I’ve talked you a lot about the system that for generations has conditioned us; firstable, we born into a society called family which brings within an endless dysfuctions that inherited us, that unconscious limits our freedom to become into the people we’re supposedly menat to be.

Have you ever noticed when there’s a baby near by everyone wants to hold him/her? , when s/he cries everyone is worry about his/her safety?, when s/he laughs everyone is mesmerized with his/her laugh? That’s because that baby feels free of feeling and acting without hurting anyone; nonetheless, everything changes when that baby starts to grow and listens to the adult world that limits him/her of feeling and listening to her/himself because since s/he started growing; his/her mother constantly said: “no, because you’re going to fall”, “no, because you are too young”,  “no, because I say so”, “I’m telling you because I’m your mother and I know more than you”, “put your sweater on, you’re going to get sick” etc., all those words, were the conditions that played as the sentence of his/her uncosncious.

Within the family system was added the collective unconsciousness in which we developed; the one, that started at school that limited us to go to the bathroom without asking for permission first, that place taught us the importance of time through the time of entrance, lunch and exit; with the purpose of continue with that discipline for the rest of our lives as part of our nature.   

What is freedom? Freedom is accept and recognize the boundaries that exist without letting the confrontation gets in our mind;  freedom is knowing yourself without letting anything defines you; freedom is doing what you came to do in the world without listening the limitations based on the fears of others; freedom is accepting the others without trying to change them; freedom is accepting you can’t control everything; freedom is experiencing your emotions without feeling ashamed by them; freedom is loving without conditionings; freedom is not following anyone, is continue with your own path; freedom is loving your internal shadows and accept them as part of your growth; freedom is not making decisions but flow with life accepting that you’re the creator of it; freedom is knowing how to say no without feeling guilty; freedom is knowing you’re responsible of who you are, attract and act; freedom is understanding that nobody is yours; freedom is want to be yourself without having the desire to be like someone else.

We all want to be famous people and the moment we want to be something, we’re not longer free.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

I believe that the biggest denial of freedom is lived when we’re with a couple because when our ego falls in love, it scares to get out of that state and will do everything to mantain the other by his/her side; that makes us believe that the others belong to us; that’s why we self-convince that the other is “mine”; my husband, my wife, my boyfriend, my girlfriend, my life, my everything etc., this doesn’t mean that you have to stop calling him/her like that, but if you do it because unconsciously you believe that you have power over him/her then, it’s not love what moves you; what I’m trying to tell you with this is that the fact you’re with someone it doesn’t mean that person is yours; that person has decided to be with you for a reason that only s/he understands; nevertheless, a lot of relationships transform because in the process we want much more and when that need is incomplete, the dissatisfaction gets in between; I understand that you feel that person is part of you but when that thought becomes into a complementary state it turns impossible for you to accept and understand the freedom that defines the other because in that moment the love you feel infects with its worst enemy that’s the illusion you have created over the relationship and you stop observing and living it the way it is; therefore, you’re not living a present  relationship but a conditioned union that has with it the attachment; this makes you to take away the most precious thing that was born between both of you  that’s the freedom that by choice you’ve taken each other; please always have in mind that if the other person chooses to leave, doesn’t mean s/he is leaving you; s/he just using his/her best gift that’s feeling free; therefore; respect that s/he has stopped loving you.

When we’re with someone, we’re part of a team with whom we communicate, protect, contribute and build each other; but if we do all those things through an unstable an possessive present, the future will have more of the same; that’s why our team will be formed by two emotional prisioners that’ll fight to be together even though they take away their peace; we have the belief that love must feel like something, that’s why we want to turn it into a consequent  emotion; love is just a state of peace that vibrates high and as long as we are in harmony with it, our experiences will become peaceful and harmonious; when we get to that level of love, finally we’ll achieve to connect with the other from a mutual freedom.

The death of someone causes the same confrontation of sepration because our concepts of death are related with tragedy and lack of love; that’s why, when someone transcends we don’t accept the loss and we don’t give ourselves permission to understand the plan that person chose for his/her life, thus, s/he has chosen for his/her death; remember that dying is part of a natural process of this existance and the most lovely thing we can do to let that people go; is honor their freedom that they denied in their lives and that only knew through their death.

Like I told you, we’re in a system that moves us through attachment and unconsciously hipnotizes us because makes us think that as long as we have, the more we become; a system that unfortunately doesn’t know how to understand itself that’s why makes us act through fear that generates on us guilt to be different; this means, that as long as you’re far away from yourself, you’ll continue to be just a follower who has chosen to hide his/her freedom to run after his/her dependency.

Live free;