Judgment is an idea built under certain programmed perceptions that help us to perceive the world; our judgments allow us to adapt with the exterior through the projections of our lackings and that’s where we generate a double dialogue with ourselves among what we want to be and the person that the others want us to be in order to love ourselves.  

One of the most complex processes that human beings experience is to accept the other unconditionally ‘cause that’s where we resist to that consciousness of unity to abandon ourselves in the incomprehensible duality; this is because we’re irresistibly attracted to change the other so the idea of love can happen based on certain precepts and beliefs; so in that way we can be tied to our family, social and collective system, so the language we speak between all of us is based on the power of manipulation we exercise over the others believing that’s love, so we can give each other the power of using tools such as indifference, comparison, punishments or approval to condition how the others have to be so we can like them and accept them as worthy members of a clan. 

Who am I? It’s a question which many times we can’t find the answer, ‘cause with time we adhere labels that take us away from who we are and it’s through those imposed ideas, that we achieve to develop in certain collectives where we feel accepted ‘cause since we were children we understood the impact that all those labels have; on one hand, to our father, we were the girl of his eyes or the champion of his days; on the other hand, for our mother, we were her little princess or her charming prince; this in case that we have had parents that saw in their children the repair of those labels that they had or the illusion that they wanted to be.

When we dare to see beyond who we believe we are, we’ll be capable of seeing through the others, but for that to happen we need to give up to all those beliefs, and if we’re ready for this to happen, we have to become aware that the system to which we have been loyal for years will inevitably break in order to reach that person we’re destined to be and that’s where we turn that mirage of conditioning love in conscious love based on the authenticity of our being, understanding that’s not because of the others but it’s me related to them knowing that the light we see in the others represents the polarity that I am, the same way the darkness I abhor is the way I see myself. 

Once I told you that the biggest fear of human being is exclusion, we’re afraid of not belonging anymore to those groups ‘cause we feel that there’s not going to be love and most of all that there won’t be causes to look anymore, when in reality, the exterior is the result of endless effects created by one source that’s you; this means that when you have the will to look at yourself, you’ll face with a great decision that’ll imply letting go all those who demand that you have to be someone you’re not so they can feel comfortable next to you; but if you have to know something is that there’s no system that will allow to be desintagrated and will do anything possible for you to stay even though that implies to give up to the person you are, ‘cause in order to be, it’s necessary to let go. 

“To be happy is to be able to become aware of onself without fright.”

Walter Benjamin.

You that are reading me dear, I want to tell you that I understand the biggest challenge that implies to become the person you love to be, ‘cause people will always question why you do it, they’ll tell you that isn’t right ‘cause they feel trapped in their polarity they don’t want to go out of, ‘cause that would represent to be co-responsible of themselves; they’ll use you as a claim tool ‘cause they’ll see  you as the memory of the person they don’t want to face; they’ll turn you into their complain and resentment box so you can stay and in that way you can turn into the avenger who can  defend them, this is because they haven’t been able to set boundaries to the things they hurt ‘cause it’s better to create a group of haters before going to the battle alone; they’ll make you believe that the person who has to change is you ‘cause it’s more important that you change your behaviour before they realize how’s theirsthey’ll cheat you about how wrong you are ‘cause they don’t tolerate nor accept the freedom of someone who doesn’t think the same way as them due to they live enslaved in their thoughts of how things have to be related to what they are; they’ll tell you how disappointed they are on you and they’ll look ways to manipulate you ‘cause their comments are based on the stories their mind tells them related to the suggestive interpretations of a reality they disguise as the truth; there’s where the biggest and deepest fears arrive ‘cause you know that if you defend that authenticity and are congruent with it; the system will exclude you; but if you decide to stay, the system will trap you through guilt so you can stay and repeat the same cycle over and over again; that’s why the challenge of being oneself implies to have the courage to overcome the barriers that keep you away from being yourself.

Being authentic with yourself means that you have stopped questioning, punishing or manipulating the others ‘cause what the others teach you is the reflex of the light you show and the gloom of the darkness you hide; in addition, defending your authenticity is not blocking the others ‘cause they don’t accept you the way you are, but think, feel and act consistently ‘because in that place of unity is where our biggest power is, ‘cause finally we are capable of showing ourselves to the world with clear emotions and conscious thoughts that can be aligned to who we are. 

Dear brother or sister is a huge task we have to face here on earth ‘cause we have to remember who we are and for that we need to awaken from the collective hypnosis we face everyday; we’ve been hardly programmed through our mind, emotions and actions ‘cause in the system we develop we learn how to be and behave so in that way we can replicate the functions that taught us the two tutelary mirrors with whom we grow up; nonetheless, the main idea of life is to take, accept and love the only role to which we serve best that’s being a human searching for the common well, without hurting and being hurt. 

There’s no one better than you, 

Shary ChavLó ∞