This quarantine has been one of the most complex learnings that has put the whole world in check, I don’t know how your experience has been and I don’t know what has happened in your life during this couple of months; talking about myself I’ve been through some things that had made me reflex about my life; to begin with, I ran out of one of my jobs, I’ve heard of many human losses, I got very sick, I confronted myself a couple of times with my family and on many occasions I’ve felt alone and hopeless. 

In all those emotionals ups and downs I realized about something, despite I commonly speak about the dual mind and try to guide others so they can understand it, inevitably we let ourselves feel trapped into it; the shadow to which we all belong to lives in an intrinsic way in our being and turns very difficult not to vibrate in it; given the situation we’re currently living, it has been more complex for us to be able to integrate this shadow ‘cause we can no longer project it on the outside so we can feel lighter of its burden, now we’re in the point where our internal shadow talks to us everyday about how bad are the things we’re living, about the loneliness we’re experiencing, about the lacking that’s attacking us, about the heartbreak we’re feeling ‘cause the other is not around and hopeless is embracing us; nonetheless, I believe that the biggest challenge, is becoming aware of the lies we’ve told to ourselves trying to believe that everything was okay, thinking that we had all the answers and today all the questions are falling apart; but the most challenging part about this, it’s that we’re realizing the hypocrisy with which we look life. 

What’s the hypocrisy? Is the channel where our inseparable duality relies on; but we’re used to think that hypocrisy means the falsehood that lives in the others and easily we fall in the game where judgement seems endless and where we believe that’s wrong for others to turn their back on us, where we think that’s wrong that the others criticize to those who don’t listen to them; we feel that’s hypocritical to hide the truth that we haven’t wanted recognize from a long time ago ‘cause the immensity of hypocrisy that we notice in the outside, it’s directly related to the real feelings that drive us in life and that are based in the projections of our duality.  

I’ve always believed that every one of us chooses the family where we want to belong; for one reason I chose one with a catholic preference and unconsciously, I decided to go to schools with deep rooted religious beliefs, I remember that when I was a child and I had to pray the “our father” I did it with so much remorse, when I entered to church and saw all those images about Jesus crucified I felt that I was in the worst center of inquisition; hearing the people together saying  in unisone: “as we forgive those who trespasses against us” and only God was able to forgive our faults, seemed incongruous for me, don’t you think?

I remember that when we went out of church and saw how everybody was a little bit lighter of their unconscious burdens, automatically they look the way to fulfill them again through criticism, in order to feel better they gave an obliged greeting to whom they couldn’t stand or positioning in a judicious way against those who weren’t perceived in the same way; when I saw this I asked myself: what’s the purpose of going to church?, what was the purpose of letting go of personal guilt, so on the way out we project it again? 

In many occasions I’ve told you about the religious institutions and the anomalies and incongruities I feel related to that system; ‘cause for me, it’s impossible to believe that I have to be a good person in a world that’ll look for the parity so we can reconcile with ourselves through it; therefore, all sense of religiosity that tries to separate the good and  bad of life, is teaching us to act through a double moral that’s expressed through hypocrisy. 

It’s an hypocrisy being in a relationship where the aggression, lies and violence are the common denominator which keeps the couple together, where everyday one of the parts believes that the other is going to change; nonetheless, that person who lives in the illusion of that union is lying, ‘cause there’s no more hypocritical act than cheating oneself using the other and living a life that’s no real; it’s an hypocrisy saying how much we love our country, without separating ourselves from the addiction to the complaint of how bad it is; ‘cause there’s no more hypocrite act than taking away from us the citizen responsibility of a country that’s created by those who integrate it; it’s an hypocrisy to judge the people who beat and abandon an animal and crucify them as inhuman but feel tenderness towards those who dress their pets with shoes, clothes or walk with them in a stroller, that’s defending a duality that’s as aggressive to the other ‘cause there’s no more hypocrite perception than attacking the freedom, individuality and respect of other being justifying behind the good or the bad person someone can be; it’s an hypocrisy to judge those who according to our perception act wrong without even looking the way we act ourselves ‘cause there’s no more hypocrite act than believing that we’re perfect and never make mistakes

All of us have a certain degree of hypocrisy because without it we couldn’t take consciousness of how incongruous human beings can be, I always say to people that’s useless to become aware about the causes of our conflicts if eventually we’ll act like as if we don’t know anything; the hypocrisy is made to realize the way we vibrate and understand the hypocrisy that we see in the others, it’s the same hypocrisy we give to those we don’t like or even to those who we say we love; when we listen that someone talks negatively of us; the ego in order to see itself less hurt, fights back and look for the human points to attack and feel better; when we claim the love that the others don’t give us but we don’t pay any attention to the love we give to ourselves; when we don’t wish  the good to the others but we pray so we can have an amazing life, although we also have made mistakes; ‘cause you only see how much you’re insulted but you barely see how much you insult the others, and the Universe will never will get tired of showing us who we really are and how hypocritical we can be in order to achieve something.   

Since we were children we’ve been taught to put judgement to the things that didn’t seem right, we’ve been educated to blame the outside when we feel pain, frustration, anger or stress ‘cause they were consequences of something external; that’s why our adult life became common to give greater importance to the exterior rather than the interior; I understand that in this dual world it’s impossible not to pretend how we feel, it’s impossible not to show our sadness, stress, discomfort, but you must know that you’re not the only one who feels that way, the difference is that those who internalize their emotions, become sincere with themselves in order to don’t fall into hypocrisy; but if you’re one of the persons who’s looking to project your emotional lackings on the others, then, the hypocrisy will be the mask you’ll use to see everything in your life. 

Be yourself, Shary ChavLó