“Love is like a great miracle cure
which allows us to make extraordinary changes
in our lives.”
Louise Hay,
Author of the best seller “You can heal your life.”

Love is the simplest, yet the most complex emotion to explain; I define it as the force that motivates, moves and transforms everything. It’s the essence of the divine and even of the perfection itself; it’s the natural and authentic state of the human being, a state of unconditioned consciousness and an act of will that comes from oneself.

I’ve had several experiences about love; sometimes, loves were disguised as companionship and other times, of solitude. I believed that love was earned with effort and that the more I gave, the more I would be loved; but finally I came to understand that was not true.

I have always been a very passionate woman when it comes to loving, but now I do it from a different place, a place of consciousness that comprehends that the love I give is not something I can seek in others, it’s something that I am in an unlimited way, something that resides in me with the beautiful possibility of giving it and sharing it with others; and that by divine right life gives us back in the shape of people, situations or experiences that leave a mark in ourselves.

Today I describe love as an emotion composed of humility, compassion, and possibility, something that unites and builds; a free, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient feeling.

I’m sure that love comes from an individual place because it arises from our own creative source; it’s the evoked yearning for what we call being.

 Love, is looking inside you and accept it’s presence within you; being aware of the light that you carry that has the potential to illuminate you, and consequently the others around you; however, sometimes we visualize it according to the belief system imposed by society, family or even by ourselves.
If you start to be present, you’ll realize that love is everywhere, in what we do, in what we see, in what we believe; keep in mind that love is defined from the relationship that you decide to have with it and it will return to you in that way. Please don’t panic if you can’t see it or feel it, be sure that it’s there, just take a few minutes to answer the following question: What kind of barriers did I build against it that I’m not able to see it?

With all my love,
Shary ChavLó.