The human being is made up with infinite beliefs, some historical, social, familiar and many others that we form ourselves to design our lives.

Where do they come from? They come from the thoughts that your mind informs you about the reality she decides to make you believe or the one that best suits you.

When we were children, our parents made us believe an endless number of beliefs that today as adults weigh down on us and without realizing it, they become our mission of life, some of them are: You have to study to be someone in life!, you my son, will take me out of poverty!, you have to work hard to be successful!, money doesn’t grow on trees!, you are just like your father!, if you behave badly God will punish you!, life costs!, everything you do, is wrong!, don’t cry, be strong!, let’s save for a rainy day!, we’re on a tight budget!, all men are equal!, women are crazy!, a woman must be a lady at the table and fiery at bed!, gentlemen no longer exist!, etc. And those beliefs pass from generation to generation, to all descendants and of course, it pushes our society to continue thinking the same.

Your beliefs are just sentimental contracts
that you signed as a child with your family.

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Beliefs have the special gift to change your DNA; now imagine those beliefs that you are carrying from your family, the society and that you choose them to give shape to your reality and consequently to your life.

I have told you about the mind and its infinite power, I told you that it can be our best friend or our worst enemy and that we give her the wonderful power to dialogue with her and that she is able to translate the facts into painful stories; what I want to say is that is enough to have a thought that remains minutes in your head, so you start feeling it real and then you’ll form a pattern that’ll manifest as a crystallized reality.

Become aware of this: everything we see, hear and feel towards the world it’s only the projection of hidden beliefs that we haven’t yet discovered; I want you to understand that it’s right to have beliefs because at last, you are who you are thanks to them, they define us and help us in giving shape to our path.

For me, there are two types of beliefs: the limited and the unlimited.

The unlimited beliefs are infinite, positive, integrative and peaceful, they have the power to make us believe that we are capable of everything, thus we reach what we desire the most.

The limited beliefs form us within a closed structure that make us believe that our life is like that and the life we’re experiencing is destined to us by divine law and in reality, it’s by choice.

The only thing I ask you, is to give yourself a moment and analyze which are the beliefs that most resonate in you and if you realize that you’ve lived within limited beliefs most of the time, just accept them and let them go in a loving way, so you can make them infinite.

Beliefs make a strong chain that your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and ancestors have carried and unconsciously have inherited to you, and the impact was so huge that they had the ability to modify your biological chain. I’ll give you an example: If there’s a disease in your family then you’ll believe that by family law you’ll have it; that’s a lie, because you and only you are the owner of yourself, the important thing is that you become conscious of those beliefs that damage your mind so that you can release them.

Socially we’ve generated beliefs that the media, the society and the whole world have sold us and unconsciously we make the story that will be left to our children and their heirs and unfortunately that impacts on a collective conscioussness that continues to be unconscious and the supposed individual/social evolution becomes a human involution.

I think that many times it’s not a matter of learning, it’s about unlearning and breaking with certain molds that, instead of freeing us, tie us up.

I propose you something: today choose to be the master of your mind and start telling her how far you want to reach, because you’ve seen yourself climbing the highest mountains, because you and everyone else in this universe, have the right to choose in what to believe and in what not, for that I ask you to believe and think big everyday and you’ll live like a giant, because I can assure you are capable to do everything you dream of…

I’m with you,
Shary ChavLó