How did the universe start?, When you got sick, which was the cause?, How did you start your relationships?, Why are you in that job? Everything in this life has a begining, a start line and a root of all, because everything is causality.

Long time ago I became an Angelical Coach and started with my spiritual life, which I chose as a mision on my path; the angels represent a prority for me and working next to them is one of the most incredible experiences ever, their love for us is infinite and they ask us with that same energy to handle our lives, and despite being a light worker is wonderful, it also becomes a challenging experience because we have to work from the darkest place of ourselves; one day I woke up and the first thing that came to my mind was my family tree and I told myself: “if it’s not me, then it must be the root where I belong because I’m the begining and continuity of something. There’s when I decided to go for it”.

Having a family tree and not studying it
is like having a treasure map and not
going for it.

Alejandro Jodrowsky.

When I became an Illness transgenerational bio-decoding coach, a whole new world open up to me because I finally understood what was behind, I could see my family, my family clan, and my story. I started to discover all the loyalties that I carried and for unconditional love to them, I repeated.

I want to tell you that we all belong to 2 family trees, from our mother and our father, therefore, on top of us we’re carrying 14 members of our families and we are on a repetition pattern that they unconsciously generated and today, you for loyalty to them are repairing, that is called an ancestral memory charged by a familiar unconsciousness.

We as a the following generation of our ancestors, are the repairing generation of the family secrets and our descendants will do it as well, the main purpose of the family tree it’s in understanding which were the lived facts, and with acts of consciousness set them free, start identifying the beliefs that exist in your life that somehow are stopping you from achieving your goals.

I want you to understand all the family trees generate contracts that submit our own lineage, after all, family has always existed even before we were born and will be there after we are gone, the most important thing is to start straightening all the crooked branches for the ones who stay can have a full and joyful life.

It’s not about judging our family tree, it’s about understanding, accepting and loving it because thanks to it’s structure we’re here, and despite that we were not responsible of their programs and much less the taught patterns, today, it’s our decision to transform.

Our family tree will always be waiting for the member with the greater awareness so he or she can free them from all those involutary inheritances that have been left for us. I tell you this because I want you to understand that you as all of us, are individuals in this planet and each one of us have the free will to choose what we desire in our lives, thus, be the designers of it.

I only ask you to see all of this from another place of love and with those eyes see your family clan, because believe me that all of them did everything the best they could and understood. Please that your purpose in life is not to follow anyone, because today corresponds to you, give another course to your path, because only you, are the universal heir of your promising fate.

I’m still next to you,
Shary ChavLó