Usually all stories are made by a victim and an agressor, the victims are those who suffered the facts and the agressors are the ones who make a story out of those facts, of course, all the agressors are the guilty and the victims are the misunderstood.

I’ve talked to you a lot about the Universe, God, energy, universal consciousness etc. I’ve told you that it never exposes a judgment towards our actions, words or emotions, because thanks to it’s neutrality the only thing that gives us back is the resonance to our vibrations, because the Universe is the pure manifestation of everything we ask, and in that same way, the Universe returns us back what we ask for. 

As human beings, we have the habit of humanizing that universal energy, that God with white beard or that Universe who creates everything; and we do it, because by humanizing it, we believe he’ll punish us and in the final judgment he will deny to us our entrance to Paradise, so we ask to others to pray for us because we’ve sinned and everything is our fault.

What happens with guilt? We tend to relate it with evil, meaning when we hear we are responsible, our first thought is: It’s not my fault; but responsability and fault are far away in the feeling reaction we sense. I can say, fault comes from a lacking of self-love, and responsability is the root of knowing ourselves responsibles and feeling capable of generating positive changes in our lives.

We’ve been taught and continiously been informed that responsability and guilt are the same, because If I’m responsible then I’m guilty, hence, we make the mistake of seeing it in this way: “if it’s my fault is because I’m the bad one, then I’ll be rejected” and like I’ve said before, we need to feel recognized as the good ones of the story with the purpose to be accepted and loved by our environment.

The resentment, criticism, guilt and fear
show up when we blame others and not
assume the responsability of our own experiences.

Louise Hay.

Be aware that always will be easier to blame the drop that fell out of the glass instead of taking responsability of why we decide to remain seated while the glass was getting fuller, and when it spills, we see it as a disaster and the first we do is turn around and point out judiciously the one who’s in front of us, at last, will always be easier to find who to blame and hide the responsible.

Why blame others? Because it’s simpler to attach burdens to the others so that we feel free of any remorse that may hurt our consciousness, but blaming others is just an agressive manipulation tool to weaken others and secure that they stay with us.

Why blame ourselves? Because we need to be seen by others and ‘cause in that way we become the good victims of the circumstances, therefore we buy the story of the misunderstood victims and that makes we become our own victims and in turn, we become our own agresor as well.

Remember we are a cause that generates effect on many things, we are responsible of attracting situations, people and experiences in our life, and when we decide to be responsible of that story then we’ll get to see things different, thus, our path will change the course to a safe place.

There’s something that joins responsability and guilt, it’s the vision you choose to see the results of the cause-effect of everything; but like I always say, the decision of how you choose to see life is only yours..

Blaming others is blaming yourself and fill you of absurd suffering and resentment over situations you have the power to transform; guilt weakens us and make us bend our hands of not feeling worthy of forgiveness, love, and compassion but most of all, takes us away the posibility of creating a better life; believe me, you have the marvelous potential of transforming everything you are living today, just remember everyday when you get up, you are doing it with an invisible title that says: “I’m the only responsible of my life”.

I honor your power,
Shary ChavLó