One of the persons I would love to have a cup of coffee with is Albert Einstein and I would ask him to teach me everything about his “Theory of relativity”; in this theory Einstein explained time is relative according to the velocity that moves in the space of an observer, this is what he called “space – time” this means, time doesn’t exist because it is only in our mind who’s in charge of creating time, even from the physics perspective, past, present and future are the same.

Time ago I talked you about wounds and told you that one of the deepest wounds on me is that I’m a controller, I have the need to control time, because I love to be extremely punctual and exceedingly bothers me that the other people are not on time, if I base my control on time on the theory of relativity of Einstein this means, from my perception people is not moving at my time, whilst the others perceive they are moving to be on time with me.

Despite that years ago I came to the conclusion that time is a man’s invention to take us away from the only time that has ever existed, that is the present, for example: when is september we start preparing for Halloween, when that season is almost over we start to think on Christmas and we live like this the whole year, so our clock is always running and that generates us stress and anguish, and we make time an element that plays against us because all that system we live in, makes us to not value the most important moment that is today.

The only reason of the existence of time
is that not everything happens at the same time.

Albert Einstein.

Remember when I talked you about unconscious and told you most of the time he operated our life, because he can’t define the space –time where he is living and for that reason looks for those situations or people who reminds him what he knows, this means that for our uncounscious is always the same time, until we make acts of consciousness to be able to transcend what he’s looking and in that way, we can live in another space-time

Like I said, the only true time is the present moment because that’s where everything happens, nevertheless, sometimes we live attached to the past blaming ourselves and cursing the others for something that happened or in the future, generating us anxiety and we are jumping between one and other in a millisecond.

What’s the past? It’s the tangible consequence left of what we lived and when we live wrapped on that past, it’s because if we live on the present this means we need to let go, and like you know, one of the things we have to work the most as humans is on releasing, so we prefer to be attached to the bitter memory before assuming and accepting the present without it.

What’s the future? It doesn’t exist because is an illusiory time of the mind, nevertheless, we’ve been educated to live concerned about everything: we live worried about money, work, school, life etc., thus, we start loosing the conscious of the present without understanding that future is the continuous present that’s manifesting thanks to our thoughts.

Remember that time is something we cannot control and we’ve chosen to use it as an excuse and “we believe a day is not enough”, “we’re too old to do things”, “we don’t have time for us”, “the others”, “our dreams” and that’s when time turns into the perfect excuse to blame, but in reality, it’s because we don’t want to be responsible of ourselves.

Have in mind we cannot change things, we cannot stop the people whom their time has arrived, we cannot change the time we call past and we cannot live the future time, remember that things are as they should or might be.

Also remember that living limited of time is not living in abundance, because we cannot enjoy the present and there’s where our true self is connected to everything, and that anguish of time makes us feel with that need of surviving and stop living, because we start resonating with everything that doesn’t exist and the things that haven’t arrived yet, instead of seeing everything we have and be thankful for.

I want to tell you that you are not made of time, that is a thought that comes from your mind when you look yourself at the mirror and your tricky ego says how old you look, remember that you are eternal, and the objective of that eternity is that you live every moment as the only and true, and in that way, you can value the present because I can assure you, it never comes back.

Live today and now,
Shary ChavLó