I remember that the converstations my parents used to be about political issues, they talked about the awful government we had, a corrupt, mean and fake government which hardly was concerned for its people; of course this programmed thinking remained in my memory and I grew up thinking that the government was the guilty of everything that happens in the country.   

The concepts that we’ve formed related to the world come from the perceptions that we’ve built according to what we’re constantly living, because everything we experience is the result of the beliefs we feel as real, that’s the reason why our consciousness will be conditioned to the place we take our mind to and from there it’ll allow itself to evolve or to stagnate in the process.  

What’s consciousness? Is the adaptation knowledge we have related to existence; is a state that remains active in the communion of our thoughts, emotions and actions; hence, there isn’t a best consciousness, each one grows at it’s own pace and that’s the process every consciousness chose to learn; and when it’s ready, it can transcend to the next lesson.

Remember that we’re living in a dual world formed by dual minds, whom position themselves in the right things and deny the wrong ones; that’s why they project their shadow in others beings and of course in the world, believing that the outside is what has to give them the answers about why things happen and it’s the exterior who’s in charge of giving the solutions to everything we experience. 

“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”

Aldous Huxley.

These last weeks I’ve been witnessing news that have deeply impacted me; in august 5th a 21 year old young man decided to enter to a supermarket in El Paso Texas and started shooting to the people who was there, specially he hit as many mexicans as possible; the next case was in Mexico City, where two men crashed their cars and started fighting, one of them knocked the other out and when he saw him lying unconscious on the ground, he decided to pass his car over him and ran away; in addition to the constant feminicides that are happening in Mexico and in the world; a tragedy that has taken place for centuries. 

Do you believe those implicated in the cases are unconscious people or are just victims of a system that makes them believe they should be like that? Unconsciousness is usually a justification for the facts where we don’t want to see the whole picture, which involves a conscious participation from us; how’s this possible? All of us manifest necessarily dual situations so we can interpret the scenario through a victim and an aggressor; that’s why, we see the others as the guilty ones, including the governments that without any doubt, we keep manifesting.    

Let’s talk about the level of consciousness of each government; as human beings we have the need to see materialized everything we think so we can believe in it, that’s why we have something that’s called archetypal mentality; when we hear about a government the first thing that comes to our mind is the leader who represents the country; that leader is the image of a collective consciousness that through its mental archetype, managed to materialize a president, because everything that has space in our mind can fit in our reality; therefore, the law created by the government is not looking after justice but instead after the individuals whom consciousness has the same vibration.

Let’s think about the consciousness of the rapists: are they guilty?, are they evil?, are they the rottenness of society? A raper exists when in the mind of a woman is living the archetype of a rapist, chauvinist and aggressive man; nonetheless, I believe that the cause is much deeper than we think, unfortunately we are still hiden behind of a collective unconsciousness that defends something called “moral” represented by an active celibacy and by a nonsense puritanism that has made us repress our sexuality to the point that we manifest it in the most aggressive ways; this leads us to live in morally repressed countries which are lacking of liberty. 

The only thing we can do to connect with the highest consciousness, is by turning ourselves into conscious witnesses of what we see everyday and with responsability and bravery ask: Why am I attracting this? Because if we are experiencing it, it’s because our collective consciousness keeps thinking and acting from a knowledge of separation; the same, that needs to find the guilty ones of the irreparable damages in which we all are participants because for the highest consciousness we’ll always be one

I want to tell you that if you are a person that wants to see changes, first take responsability about what you can change, start by doing small changes that can benefit all around you because your consciousness will be determined according to how you treat others, because life is about how you choose to respond to the situations you’re experiencing; there’ll be people in your path that you won’t be able to understand and they won’t know how to understand you either, none of you is wrong or right, the difference is that both of you see things from a different conscious perspective; the only thing that you can do is to accept the experience you attracted through the person who such as you, acted with violence, but s/he decided to remain in that process while you, possibly understood how to get away from it

It’s not necessary that you show people the good person you are, insisting on reflecting your kindness, will connect you again with the separation that’ll make you project your own shadow; to be conscious is wisley connect your mind, emotions and actions in a unique vibration that integrates everything. If you are in this world is not to distiguish yourself from others by your gender, race or nationality, that’s just an illusion that makes you believe that you aren’t equal; remember that before all that you are a human being and if you want to be treated with love and justice, start by resonating the same way, because it’s impossible that you can manifest changes when you’re not willing to do them.

Wake up! Shary ChavLó