I’ve always been curious about the function of emotions and I’ve found incredible how I’ve lived certain experiences of my life with happiness, some others with sadness, others with anger and many others with pain; I’ve asked myself why couldn’t I live my emotions from neutrality?

Like I’ve mentioned before, emotions are adaptative states which allow us to live with the environment, thus interrelate with each other; it would be almost impossible to be with the others without connecting from certain emotion, because we’ll always need the others in order to feel.   

Much of the current generations come from emotionally absent parents because their needs started to change, as a result of that, both chose working paths which allowed them to gain independence and in turn, made their family grow; but their work took away all their time including the one destined to our emotional development as their children. 

This fact, suppressed our emotions so hard that it prevented us from connecting with empathy towards ourselves and others, and took a toll on our adult life because we find more complex to relate with the others emotions, because we never learned how to deal with ours.

“The unexpressed emotions never die, they are buried alive and come out later in worse ways.”

Sigmund Freud .

My grandfather had a very noble heart; when I was a child every sunday he gave me money and told me that I should save it so I could buy something I liked. This helped me to become a very managed person; nonetheless, I’m someone who easily feels anguished with financial matters. In the story of my family trees, my ancestors were very hard working people and monetarily lived according to normal standards, but within their mind there never was enough money because the economic issue was reason enough to feel anguished; when I made consciousness about this, it’s because through my most repressed emotions my ancestors make me remember that money is a matter of concern and not a matter of joy.

Remember that all of us come from family trees that silenced their emotions and in that repression were formed the deepest secrets that’ll condition the next generations, and despite that maybe your transgenerationals don’t live anymore, they live through your thoughts and emotions; this means you’ll think and feel your darkest fears the same way your lineage did; because in that way all your genealogy ensures that through you, their memory can exist.

I want to tell you that your emotions are essential part of our existence, if we came to life is to learn how to feel it, and the others are a fundamental piece to experience that emotional process; it’s not about how we feel but what we do with how we feel, that’s called emotional consciousness.

Emotions have a common point, all of them need to reconnect with love or with the internal peace to return to the balance that’ll allow you to feel yourself again; every emotion living in you has a specific mission, for example: if you’re in a situation that only connects you with anger, this emotion is telling you to release the control over the situation you couldn’t understand and likewise, to release the person who showed you that s/he was different from you and wasn’t in your hands to change him/her, but instead accept him/her; if you’re in a situation of deep sadness is because that emotion is teaching you there also exists the alternative of being happy; if you’re in a situation that anguish you, ask yourself, staying like this will solve everything? If the answer is yes, then why do you feel anguish If everything is going to solve, if the answer is no, then, why do you continue feeling anguish if you can’t do something about it? If you’re in a situation of deep pain, what’s happening is that this state is teaching you which are the wounds of the past you haven’t been able to solve yet.

Emotions aren’t under our control because they’re the glue among our conscious and unconscious mind; theyare biological reactions that inevitably impact in our daily state and when we block them for fear of feeling pain, there’s a chance they can be manifested in our body, because every blocked emotion is the reason of a programmed illness; I can assure you those blocked emotions are the same your ancestors felt and couldn’t let them live a happy and joyful life.

There’s no such thing as good or bad emotions, all of them are polar and their function is to take us to different experiences in order to learn how to relate with others and understand that nothing’s separated, because the way you think and feel, you’ll project that in your actions in order to return to the original factory that’s you; some emotions will make us react and others will make us reflect about what we’re living in order to transform what we’re feeling, the purpose of feeling is to invite yourself to observe all those thoughts that by free will you’re attaching feelings because when you unite your mind and emotion in the same meeting point, you can either be free or destroy yourself.

Remember that your emotional states will be conditioned according to your fears; stop hurting yourself with what your “past-self” and “future-self” are telling you, because if you allow those words filter with your emotions, your reality will turn into that; if you feel anger, wrath, sadness, hate, rancor etc., the best way of putting that away from your system is through the tears you deny to yourself and maybe your lineage did that as well because all of you’ve believed that by don’t crying, you’re becoming stronger; tears are a great alternative to heal everything that generates you pain, because to pour something more loving inside you, you need to clean those emotions that are making your life a bittersweet sensation

I honour your emotions; Shary ChavLó