All of us on earth came to experience the situations of life from love and to connect with people from empathy; nonetheless, as we grow up, the system prepare us for a world that leaves empathy aside to instead, go in search of the people who will hide from us any kind of attribute related to love, thinking that’s what’s real.

Why does the system moves us away from true love? Everything starts with the belief that God’s a human who we can only find on the outside; and his/her love, is only reachable as long as we are “good people”, this means that it doesn’t matter if we break into pieces to keep others whole, because for the system it means that you’re good and kind.

Like you know, I like to talk about love because I believe that’s the only state that has the power to unite everything, unfortunately we’ve been lead to distort it and we have transformed it into something completely dysfunctional; that’s why we keep believing that love hurts; but when we’re really willing to connect with it, we attract people with the same awereness who inspire us to contribute each other from that same loving place.

A couple days ago an american actor committed suicide throwing himself from a bridge in Arizona, within a statement he confessed that he hadn’t been a good man because he abused other people and himself. Where do you think the original thought of this man was to make the decision of commiting suicide? It was on the seeded guilt that lead him to attempt against his life because of the excesssive remorse he had been programmed with in his family and on a collective level and when he didn’t fulfill the demand of being good, he rejected the posibility of being bad so he prefered to dissociate from reality before being judged as the worst.

“Life begins where fear ends.”


According to The World Health Organization close to 800,000 people commit suicide every year in several countries of the world; the suicidal thoughts come from the rejectment of being in a place where we’re subliminally forced to be like others and this fact impedes us from connecting with our athentic self, instead we seek to become an unreacheable being. Suicide is a dissociation human beings feel when we feel deeply separated from divinity, happiness, love, peace and of course, from oneself; that separation is held by the polarities of good and wrong that make us believe that if we’re not good people, we’re not worthy of achieving wellness.

Remember that for the religious statutes we are all sinners because we were born impure; that’s a programming of collective guilt that have lead us to believe that we are here to gain the grace of God thus, earn a space in paradise; reason why we generate an unconscious fear of God’s wrath over our actions thinking that surely s/he’s going to punish us by leaving us in a place called hell while he/she will private us from paradise; this generated that we turn guilt into an omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient state.

The existence of heaven and hell comes from the thoughts that distance you from taking the responsability for the things you’re creating; heaven and hell coexist in the same spacetime that’s your mind related to everything you experience, that’s why, there are situations you’ll classify as hell and others that you’ll feel with more consciousness.

We’ve lead to believe that guilt’s something natural and that’s why we project it in all our situations and by manipulation, we make the others feel guilt of our own causes, so in that way, we can control their emotional states. Why do we blame others? One of the things we’re scared the most is feeling shame because it connects us with humilliation, hence, make us feel less loved and recognized, so we prefer that the others assume the burdens of our mistakes so in that way we don’t take responsability about what belongs  to us.

I want to tell you that the most dangerous part of guilt is that it dissociates us from empathy and that’s why we keep believing that the “bad one” is the murderer and the murdered remains on the side of the victim, this is conditioning us to believe that what’s on the outside is what’s making us suffer; without understanding that the victim and the aggressor decided to meet each other to manifest their own guilts between them.

You must know that guilt is so subtle that it’ll look for alternatives to punish you and make you feel as the worst person ever, let me tell you that you are not, you’re only responsible of one part of the situation, because if you had the power to create it, then you have the power to change it; you need to keep in mind that guilt will dress up as your best friend to become into your worst adiction, thus it’ll submit your will to leave you behind without letting you to move forward.

Life’s one of the most challenging proofs we have to face everyday, but that doesn’t mean that life is hard, good or bad, life’s the way it has to be and to understand it you need to live it without conditioning yourself to be a good person; because what you’re doing is distancing away from yourself and is preventing you to understand that in the same way the others hurt you, you too hurt; the way the others criticize you; you criticize, the way the others judge you, you judge and that doesn’t define you as bad or good; this just turns you into a human being who needs to be consciously awake in order to accept that you don’t need to use others to receive own recognition because you’re already a complete being.

Become free, Shary ChavLó