According to the World Health Organization almost 800,000 people between 15 and 29 years old commit suicide every year in different parts of the world; the most common methods to do it are through hangings, fire weapons and pills; it hasn’t been found a specific cause why people decide to take away their lives.

Some psychological studies have stated that people who commit suicide do it due to a crisis they don’t known how to handle and they can do it in an impulsive or in a planned way that comes from a severe depression; nevertheless, there can be a lot of causes and it depends on the process that person has lived.

It’s a suicidal act wanting to be like others
when we’re unique by nature.

Shary ChavLó.

Like you know I’m very insistent on asking the others to go beyond the judgement of the originated effects and have the bravery to go in search of the true causes of the manifested facts; but we are used to stay with the perceptions of our mind and stay away from accepting the reality the way it is; because we keep living under unrealistic schemes and we’re still believing we have to be accepted to belong to certain circles and in that way identify ourselves as someone; nonetheless, when that schemes imprision us we begin to be dependent to our ways of living to exist.

The world keeps repeating the same patterns and it hasn’t been able to repair any fact because until now, no one has dared to shred the causes of every conflict because the fact of finding the real root that holds everything will take us to become responsible of who we were, are, and the persons we’re deciding to become as individuals hence, as a collective.

I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the fundamental causes that drives a human being to commiting suicide comes from the dissociation s/he feels; the one that comes from the need of belonging to a society that demands us to be someone and when we don’t achieve that demanding structure, everything is valueless; on one side, the lack of appreciation of life and on the other side, the lack of self-love.

This dissociation can come from the feeling of separation from those s/he loves and feels that the others don’t love him/her the same way; maybe this was propably originated in relationships based on dependency and breaking them causes him/her terror because the love the other gives is something that can’t be found that easy, thinking: “who is going to love me now?”, without him/her I’m nobody”, “I don’t want to be alone”, or is possibly afraid of a dissociation of breaking a marriage that says that is happy but in reality it’s because none of the parties dare to put an end to the relationship or probably the dissociation that originates the loss of a beloved person, who made believe the person that takes his/her life, that without the other life’s worthless.

The beliefs in which the world is wrapped have taken us to loose the real purpose of existing; remember that since we were children we have been prepared to adapt to a system that demands perfection; we have been taught that we have to be excellent students to become useful professionals to work for a company; we have been forced to learn the history that happened 100 years ago about the nation in which we have decided to born, the same where murders, wars, slaughters have occured and even so, we’re teached to honour it; all of this to be adapted to a system that doesn’t worry about the dissociation you have with yourself because personal trust and self-love are strange causes and non studied matters, therefore they have not value at all.

I still believe we’re commiting the same mistakes and for that reason the system is not being transformed because the collective terror comes from not allowing the dissociation of what’s already known; because it’s more important to have hands that make richness instead of minds that follow dreams.

I still believe that until we don’t own the manifested causes of each one of our conflicts, we’ll keep looking who to blame because the same dissociation makes us believe that everything on the outside is the danger and we are the unseen victims in a world that seems to be completely alien to us.

I still believe that nothing can be transformed if we keep identifying with those absurd beliefs that make us think that in order to be valuable we have to be like someone else, or that we have to have, or have to look different; because this is believed to be the main sources of happiness; due to the fact we’re an active in depreciation and not someone worthy.

I still believe that people commit suicide because they don’t understand why they came to the world; because internal peace is not something that makes the economy evolve; when in reality, what this system doesn’t understand is that inculcating peace as the authentic state will be a reason of evolution and the source of all richness.

Why do people decide to commit sucide hanging themselves? Beyond confirming their depression and classifying them as sick; let’s understand, why that person decided to kill him/herself putting a rope around the neck? Its clear that something was suffocating him/her; maybe it his/her family, her/his mother, his/her father or the system in which he or she tried very hard to fit in but s/he couldn’t be what the others expected, thus, s/he materialized his/her death the same way s/he lived.

Why do people decide to cut their veins? Beyond looking at them as victims; we have to understand why this person decided to break with his/her blood bonds? It’s clear that her/his family maybe was not the more comprehensive and the lacking of love where s/he developed was the base of the relationship, the one that takes him/her to feel excluded.

Why do people decide to shoot themselves? Beyond looking that person as crazy let’s see why that person couldn’t express the necessary words to feel free and decided to put a weapon in his/her mouth? or where did the necessity of controling came from that he/she sought to put a weapon in his/her temple? Maybe it was because the way the others found to silence his/her feelings, thoughts, beliefs was through hits, thus that person grew up like that, all this makes the person end the life s/he couldn’t control neither express.

Why do people decide to drown? Beyond impoverishing that person let’s see why her/his mother rejected her child since she was breeding? Remember that the stage of breeding is fundamental for the adult life of the child and if the fetus felt the rejectment since s/he was in the belly; hence decided to kill him/herself in the same environment where everything started to not longer feel the deep lack of love from the person s/he chose as his/her mother.

Why do people decide to take pills? Beyond judging the person saying: why if “s/he had everything”?, remember our emotions are installed in our stomach; therefore, pills go directly to that place, then which have been the emotions this person has repressed? Maybe emotions s/he didn’t allow to feel because s/he was educated to not cry and be strong, because being vulnerable is the same as being weak and weak people don’t survive in a world where they have to fight to eat, live and exist.

Like I’ve told you, I consider the causes of suicide are much deeper, so before we dignose someone with severe depression we have to understand that our nature is to live through existence, then in which moment is everything transformed? I believe that when the specialists dedicated to this topic, attend the cause that hasn’t been seen and that can be materilized in a permanent fact; these doctors will avoid telling the patient “don’t kill yourself”, “life is wonderful”, “think of your family” etc., those words will push the person to commit the action s/he plans because those words will generate on him/her a greater guilt; when that person takes responsability of him/herself, s/he will discover the true mission of why s/he came to this planet, then his/her intention will be to live.

I want to tell you that all of us are active suicidal because we kill our true self in an unconscious way ‘cause we haven’t stopped comparing with the other, because we don’t feel worthy of who we really are; we kill ourselves when we decide to deteriorate our body with an incurable disease; we commit suicide when we get involved in the daily rutine without taking any breath and ask ourselves if this is what I really want? We kill ourselves when we look for love through abuse; we are suicidal for that unreachable search of happiness, recognition and alien applause to finally feel someone, and all that, its originated by the aunthentic mother of dissociation that’s the abandonment of oneself.

If we continue comfortably adapted to those dysfuctional programs, we’ll turn the pain we feel in every misunderstood process into a suffering living in silence, maybe you don’t see suicide as a solution; nonetheless, ask yourself; Am I living my life from a place of belonging? Because if everything you live you do it with the purpose of belonging and to ‘be seen’; you’re killing yourself, because you have stopped living from the true existence.

I honour you,
Shary ChavLó