“Don’t cry”, “don’t be sad”, “be strong”, “don’t get angry”, “shut up” etc. Since childhood, we hear those and many other restrictions to not feel our emotions that are inevitably caused by the experiences of life.

Last month, I talked you about the usual emotions and what they represent for me; the ones based on love an the other ones based on fear. As you can realize, all of them have something in common: they can be healed and freed, as long as you allow them to be felt, hugged and transformed.

May the health of our emotions expand in our minds,
and our actions be the manifestation of our coherence.

Enric Corbera.

For me, emotions are the most beatiful treasure we have, they contain our own essence and are unique in each one of us. Besides, they are completely necessary because teach us how to grow and evolutionate.

See it this way: if love didn’t exist, there wouldn’t be life, without hate there wouldn’t be forgiveness, without anger there wouldn’t be compassion, without any fear there wouldn’t be strength and without pain the world wouldn’t exist anymore… Can you realize each one is very important? Therefore, they are sacred

It’s important you know emotions are and they cannot be controlled when we feel them, what is under our control is the feeling-action we decide to have when any of them emerge within ourselves.

As a child, when I cried because something made me sad, my mom used to say to me: “Don’t cry, big girls don’t cry because they look dumb”, therefore the more I grew, the more I felt I shouldn’t cry, because an adult woman shouldn’t feel her soul’s sorrow. Today, I comprehend that belief just tied me up, and turned me into a hard person, until I understood life was not like that.

By nature, we are beings that need to feel, and we came to this world to experiment every emotion as a part of us. During our lifetime, family and society prohibit us to express what we are in essence. The worst part is we teach that idea to others, becoming this an unbreakable chain.

Now imagine the same applied to you and the rest of the world? The result is emotional repression, open wounds not healed, adults blinded by anger; hate, revenge… and in the end, is just fear to choose love over anything else.

Evading your emotions does not represent your strength and greatness, on the other hand, it just weakens you every single day; and with time what you haven’t allowed yourself to feel, your body will scream it to you! for you to listen to the person that lives within you, because maybe in the future your body will speak out loud with some disease.

Trust me, emotions have the wonderful gift of getting to know ourselves and understand life in a simpler yet loving way; try to remove those beliefs that only represent a system that was imposed to you long time ago and reside tightened inside you. The main purpose is to take conciousness about what you feel, so you can hug it, and finally release it.

Remember that no emotion is better than the other, each one will bring different experiences to your life. Give yourself today the opportunity to reconcile with fear, hate, sadness, pain and choose love as the winner of every battle. With that, you’ll be avoiding your body to become only in the grave of your soul.

I hug you,
Shary ChavLó.