When we come to the world, we do it tied to a body that will help us to have an earthly experience, for that reason, we all have the mision to not abandon our body until the day we trascend and turn it into ashes.

The abandonment wound could be reflected when one of the parents was absent maybe because he/she worked all the time and that made the child generate in it’s system that dad or mom left him/her continuously, deepening the wound.

I once told you that I had lived with a person with this wound and I realized that he blamed me all the time for all the the things that happened and he lived depending on the environment because for him it was very hard to be at home facing reality, and his words were: “you don’t know what I’m passing through”, this means he adopted the victim role, that’s because the dependent persons are not capable to take responsability.

Sometimes people with this wound seek to have health problems, to finally be seen by others, thus be recognized; for that same reason dramatize the small situations, because what they live are not problems, those situations give them the benefit of the attention.

As log as we continue having resentment towards our parents
our relationship with other people of same sex
will be difficult.

Lise Bourbeau.

There’s the possibility that an abandoned person suffers of overweight, because the biological system will understand that has to keep love within the body, and in that way, feeling companion.

I want you to understand that separation and abandonment are not the same; separation takes time and the abandonment is instantaneous, thus everyone in life experience abandonment maybe because some dear one left us before his or her time, a partner decided to follow his or her path without you, or friendships that disappear. Independently of any situation that take us to feel alone or abandoned by others, the most important thing is that you don’t allow to abandon yourself, because there’s no better company than your own.

Like I’ve said before, if you see this wound in you, please accept, honor and love it because has been the abandonment that made you realize your attitude towards life has been mistaken and possibly painful and today you understand that mask has only protected you to face life.

Don’t try to hide your wound with dependence it’ll cause you damage as years pass by, I can say that you have the enough potential to stand up by yourself without any help, you just need to take responsability of your life and in that way you’ll be empowered to generate all the positive changes that you need.

Please try not to blame others for the circumstances of the facts that as humans we decide, provoke and choose to learn from, I can assure you there’s no greater satisfaction to look and tell to yourself: “Today, I choose to love and join myself for the rest of my life, me, like everyone else on this planet enjoy the possibility to live free and in company of all people who contribute to my happiness and self-love, because I have the fortune to be responsable of myself and my marvelous life is on my hands, from now on I empower myself and I’m ready to transform.

I’m walking next to you,
Shary ChavLó.