Someone asked me once: why did I earn money being a spiritual coach? Because from that person’s point of view, it was incongruous that someone who’s dedicated to the spiritual world, earned money for it; ‘cause Jesus Christ didn’t earn anything while he spoke about the divinity, so I replied: first of all, Jesus had the divine attribute to multiply food, a point I haven’t reached yet; second, if you had the opportunity to meet God: How would you imagine him/her?

When I ask people if they believe in God, some of them answer that they do, but they don’t call him/her God, they call it Universe, energy, cosmos; while others answer they don’t believe in him/her… Well I think that believing in God and knowing God is not the same thing because we can believe many things about God but just a few dare to discover who s/he is; when this person asked me: why did I earn money talking about the consciousness? I understood that person believes in a lacking God because is afraid to connect with an abundant God and if that person could see God, it would possibly be in precarious conditions in order to believe that s/he really exists. 

This happens because we have been lead to believe that God’s closer to the humble people and the ones who are suffering, this belief has made us relate humility as one of the attributes of the most needy, because being humble is for the good people, while the bad ones, are the rich who have no heart. 

What’s humility? The same way vulnerability is the place where your fears reside and in turn, it’s the instant where you can find yourself; humility is the point where you accept those fears as part of you and it’s the moment where you have the opportunity to reconcile with yourself. One of the limiting beliefs related to humility is that we believe it’s related to economic abundance or economic poverty, ‘cause for our collective unconscious, humility is not having enough and if we don’t have enough we won’t be accepted, loved nor valued. 

Humility is a natural state of our being who allows us to recognize where we’re standing on, without judging nor condemning the point where life has put us on, because before turning against the situations that your being doesn’t understand, it surrenders and accepts that everything’s part of a previously created plan so you can learn from it; humility, helps us to integrate our humanity and the humanity of others in order to see both the same way, ‘cause it makes you recognize that everyone is part of the same Universe. 

“Try being so great that everyone wants to imitate you, 

and so humble that everyone wants to be around you.”


A humble mind has no possibilities to think with lack because it’s function is seeing greatness everywhere, even in people or situations who’re confrontational because it observes everything as an opportunity of growth and it’s because this mind recognizes its own “self” in the others and dicovers where all the fears related to him/herself come from.

Being humble means recognizing the fear you feel when you can’t make it alone so in that way you can feel compassion towards yourself; being humble means understanding the fear you feel among the way you think and the way the others think so in that way, you can respect the freedom of every being; being humble means facing the fear of feeling broken and give yourself permission for not being strong enough to stand up; being humble is observing the fear that responsability gives you so you can become aware that you have the answer to everything; being humble means entering to the hiding place that’s behind the fear of not asking for help because you recognize that we all need everyone; being humble means embracing the fears you have related to poverty because you accept that your nature is to be abundant; being humble means finding the fear the future is causing you so you can impulse yourself to release the control that the unknown generates in you; being humble means knowing the fear that detachment causes you, ‘cause finally you’re conscious that nothing belongs to you; being humble is embracing the fear that makes you face your emotions because you’ve realized that nobody is guilty of how you feel; being humble is choosing to learn instead of teach; being humble means discover the fear you feel when you compare to others, because you understand that life’s not about having nor looking as, it’s about being; being humble means understanding the fear that exists under the belief that you’re giving more, ‘cause you’ve finally recognized that everyone gives what they can and as long as there’s love when something is given, there’ll be abundance when is received; being humble is accepting yourself the way you are ‘cause you understand that humility can enrich your capacities and in that way, you can contribute in the world. 

Allow yourself to connect with your humility in every moment, ‘cause I’m afraid to say that it’s a virtue that just a few know and practice; surrender to the need you have of positionating yourself against everyone, surrender to the need of wanting to be better than the others, surrender to the comparison which you constantly use to punish yourself, surrender to the forgiveness you’ve denied to yourself because you believe that rancor makes you stronger, surrender to your arrogance, pride, indifference, rejectment and hate because those oponents won’t let you think with a clear and humble mind, surrender to the lacking beliefs that make you see things with the symbol of money because that won’t make you understand the value of things, surrender to the inflexibility with which you submit to yourself, only to achieve what you desire, surrender to the feet of life, because it knows what’s best for you; but if you don’t choose to surrender, then it’ll be a fact, that you won’t ever know your greatness

Humility is a value we all need to understand and needs to be understood, because its resonance vibrates through giving and receiving; have in mind that one of the attributes where your personal power leans on, is the humility with which you see yourself and the attitude you have when you treat others; it’s wonderful that you visualize yourself in a joyful and happy future but remember that a person who resonates in humility knows where s/he goes but never forgets what s/he has overcome to be where s/he is; humility will make you recognize your doubts as the masters that’ll allow you to look and accept yourself, ‘cause when you have the courage of seeing  yourself  and stay within you, it’s because you have arrived to the starting and final point of all your fears, so when you’re ready, you can perceive with humility everything that life’s offering you.

You’re amazing, Shary ChavLó