As a dual human being there are things that I accept and others that confront me and connect me with separation instead of unity; one of them is witnessing when people park their cars in exclusive places that are made for people with special abilities; it confronts me ‘cause I don’t know if we have lost all sense of empathy or simply we’re not interested in seeing others ‘cause we don’t even dare to see ourselves.

Empathy is the process of recognizing that each one of us have lived experiences that made us feel uncapable, lonely, misunderstood, shattered, humilliated and ashamed; it doesn’t matter the scenarios where we’ve experienced certain situations that had made us feel good and bad, this makes us recognize that we’ve lived states of anguish, rejectment, stress and abandonment; therefore, when we empathize with other being, our memories are exposed to make us remember that we all have gone through challenging emotions and when we understand this, we feel one to the other and that other becomes one to ourselves; on the other hand, sympathy is the process of observing based on our judgement that the other person “isn’t having a good time” or we think how difficult the situation might be for him or her; nonetheless, we can’t completely identify with him/her and sometimes we desire him/her that everything gets better; the difference between both is that empathy holds in the connection of two souls sharing the same timeless memory and sympathy is determined by our rational judgement; unfortunately there are people who don’t feel any of them.  

Long time ago I told you that I was born with a foot malformation and if I wouldn’t have been operated on time, I now could be considered as a person with a special capacity; I believe that when we hear about inclusion we feel more sympathy than empathy ‘cause there are some people who were born with some physical or mental issues and in occassions, we think how complicated can be living like that,, but if we were empathic, we’ll understand that all of us at some point in our lives have felt rejected for being “different”.

All of us grew up in different environments, but with a same standard that’s based on the need of an external acceptance much more than an internal one, and in our development we were surrounded by situations and people who we felt resonance with ‘cause we vibrated in the same state of consciousness; unfortunately we’ve never been prepared and educated to understand that there’s also people that despite of seeing different, are part of the existence and that pushes us away from recognizing  another way of equality.

The inclusion allows us to integrate all those situations and people as part of a unity that resonates the same and vibrates from a possibility limiting the imposibility; the lack of inclusion has been a major problem in society, given that we’ve been built under beliefs that make us suppose that we’re separated and in order to connect with that unity, we must blame, hate, reject and abandon and all those divided states, have made us move away from the inclusion of the things we don’t want and ignore.

“He who’s different from me, doesn’t impoverish me, he enriches me.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

If you realize, we all have a kind of disability; the first one is social ‘cause we’re uncapable to understand the other and accepting him or her the way s/he is; the second is mental ‘cause deep inside ourselves we’ve disabling beliefs that prevent us from achieving what we want and by consequence, we keep thinking that we can’t, that we don’t have and everything’s impossible: the third, is the physical ‘cause we constantly forget of our body, which is the filter of our repressed emotions and only ourselves know what to shut up and what to express.

We constantly forget about the thin line that exists among life and death, both depend of the health that unites both; health is a natural right we must enjoy, appreciate and recognize everyday; nonetheless, everyday of our life, this healthiness can be affected ‘cause when there’s not health involved, our intelectual, physical and energetic capacities seem hampered; this happens so we can recognize that health is the ultimate and most beautiful attribute we have available as humans.

In order to connect with inclusion, the first step is understand what it is; ‘cause in order to resonate as an equal, we must accept the things we exclude of ourselves and from the others, ‘cause the others are who teach us our self-rejectment; therefore, if there’s no acceptation in oneself, hardly we can include the exterior as part of a learning and teaching; to start being inclusive, start with yourself; observe how you feel and without judging it, let it go; accept the place where life is putting you and live without repressing; understand that the person who confronts you is your teacher so you can understand that you don’t have control; create empathy with those who lack from some part of his/her body or those who can’t understand you the way you want, ‘cause all of them are part of the same planet you belong to.

Remember that the inclusion is the most humble tool we have ‘cause it helps us to recognize our duality and allows us to reconcile with it; observe around you and realize that’s not only you, there are many more people who deserve space, respect and freedom of choosing how they want to be; empathize with people who have different capacities ‘cause they are as humans as anybody else; the only difference is that they face the double job to be understood and accepted ‘cause they not only experience the rejection of a mother or father who don’t accept them but of a collective that keeps believing in perfection; therefore, don’t fall into that trap and every time you see someone with a special ability, integrate her or him to your world ‘cause s/he teaching you another powerful way of love; likewise, if you’re a man, stop feeling sympathy towards women because the situation we experience everyday is extremely worrying ‘cause believe it or not your life will always be accompanied by death, but if you’re a woman, please transform sympathy into empathy towards another women ‘cause every woman who arrives at your world brings the same information as you, that’s that we’re still believing that our gender is below from a God’s male energy; in conclusion, if you don’t want to see others cause you’re more occupied in worrying to feel loved instead of loving, then don’t be surprised when you feel excluded for not being as the others want you to be.  

We’re one, Shary ChavLó