Every time someone asks me if I admire someone, my mind starts to send me some people that have become succesful although their life story has been challenging; but I have come to the conclusion that I don’t admire them, all of them are an inspiration for me ‘cause the success of their job involved using their capacities, talents and skills to achieve everything they wanted and I believe that all of us have the same potential to use them in our best benefit and that of the others

The people I admire, are those who have decided to experience earth with a unique capacity that’s to be born without any part of their body or with a mind that works differently; I admire all those people ‘cause I believe that I’ll never have enough capacity to understand the greatness of their mission, ´cause I consider they have the magic to show the world that not even a body, a mind or a physical are capable to destroy the power of love when it vibrates from the unconditional.  

Last week I talked you about Easter and I told you that’s the season when catholicism calls its believers to be awaken through reflection and communion, in addition of being the reminder of the death of one of the most important beings in the world, who’s existence has marked the history of the earth with a before and an after; this man is called Jesus. 

We have been told that Jesus was the one and only son of God ‘cause according to the background, the woman chosen to be his mother had to be a virgin in order to gestate him; that story has conditioned us in many ways ‘cause regardless of our beliefs related to the existence of God, the collective information that’s hidden in the people’s mind is backed with the belief of suffering; this is because for your cause, mine and everyone else, the only son of God who has stepped the earth, died because of our sins. 

I was raised by the conditions of the catholicism and eventhough I don’t profess any religion, I faithfully believe in Jesus, but I chose to stop hitting myself in the chest when I believed everything was my fault, ‘cause now for me to do that, is a symbol of a lack of love; among my infinite questions related to Jesus, I’ve always asked myself: why most of the religious images only show Jesus crucified?, why do we have to remember Jesus through one of the worst deaths a human being can experience? I believe that the answer after 2020 years is that we haven’t been able to forgive ourselves that imposed guilt; the same, that prevents us from recognizing the true mission of Jesus and it’s has been easier for us to accomodate ourselves in the version of sacrifice and suffering so in that way, we can punish ourselves without any reason, so we can believe that we’re faithful followers of the messiah. 

“Many are called, and few are the chosen ones.”

Jesus of Nazareth.

Like I have always told you, before all I respect your beliefs and if you are devoted to any religion, I honour you, ‘cause our beliefs related to the divinity help us to connect with another posibility of existence; but by my free will I decided to stop believing in catholicism ‘cause I consider aggressive that one of the causes of its creation was established in the crime committed against one of the most wonderful beings who have ever existed and through time, this positioning has achieved to dominate the human mind through the sinful guilt that ended up submiting the will of the people; I say this because if we see it from another conscious perspective, every Easter we don’t remember the true lessons of Jesus, but instead we commemorate his murder and torture that remained hidden in our unconscious-emotional trauma. 

I can assure you that 90 percent of humanity has the wish to find a couple who can love unconditionally; it’s in this point when we enter into a huge dilemma amomg what we want and what we have, ‘cause the wish will always be supported in our lacking based on the beliefs of attachement; and what we have is the resonance of what we attract based on our intention to give; ‘cause love is our natural right that lies on the consciousness, in the present moment and it’s equal, it’s a state where you don’t have to add or take away anything; therefore it will always be unconditional; but this can only be found in yourself when you accept the way you are without using the personal and collective judgement as a defense weapon against those you believe don’t accept or love you. 

How can you love yourself unconditionally? I believe that humanity is finally having the opportunity to do it, ‘cause in order to resonate from that state, you have to live with loneliness, the same we’re experiencing now, ‘cause having the willingness of being alone, means that we’re deciding to enter into the will and conscious realm so we can be aware of the places where we don’t love ourselves and that’ll help us to take responsability of how much we have abandoned ourselves and the magnitude of weight we have left in the shoulders of  others so they could love us unconditionally. 

Jesus was a being who reached one of the deepest states to which we all have access to, that was believing that he was son of the Universe and when we resonate in that truth, we’ll know the benefits that this will imply and the responsabilities this will bring; ‘cause Jesus always had the certainty that God lived in himself and was in charge of transmiting its message to the humanity; therefore, your first encounter with God has to begin with yourself ‘cause when you give yourself the opportunity to reconcile with yourself you’ll manage to resonate with God; and when you get to this maximum point of encounter, you’ll know how to understand the mission of Jesus and you’ll discover that his purpose was and it’s equal to yours, that’s turning love into a service; and in the moment we all manage to resonate from this unconditional state with everything that is and everything that exists; I can assure you that we’ll have the same ease that Jesus felt when he loved us unconditionally. 

Thank you Yeshua, Shary ChavLó