I remember when I was a girl I used to read the headlines of the books and magazines which said: “prepare to be happy”, “reach your happiness following this steps” that programmed my mind to understand happiness as something I would probably dedicate my life trying to find it.

When I turned 17 years old, I had to make a very important decision, choose a career to which I’d dedicate my life, I thought that it had to be something that could give me the possibility of having money, being happy, but also something I could be passioned about; but as far as I remember, there wasn’t any degree which had subjects like: “Preparing for life”, “How to follow your dreams eventhough you don’t believe in yourself”, “How to be happy when you are unemployed”, “How to create a conscious future”. My father used to tell me, “Study anything you want as long as you’re happy”; of course, those memories I kept as a child regarding to happiness knocked me out, because not only did I have to choose a career, but be ready for happiness, something that implied a huge responsability at such a young age because to begin with, what made me happy?

I decided to study a Communication Degree because I had the idea that by studying this I could be closer to the media because in my thinking, “television, radio, journalism, cinema etc., gather us together to connect with the truth of being happy”, ‘cause looking good, being popular, admired, young and beautiful, was something that the collective needed in order to be in harmony and all this conditioned my mind and of course my life’s vision.

Have in mind that we’ve been built to be the producers but not the creators of our lives, this means that we’ve been mentalized to follow social adaptation models where we visualize happiness as a goal we have to reach and not a consequence that needs to be created in the present.

“Happiness is not something done. It comes from your own actions.”

Dalai Lama .

Long time ago I talked you about happiness and told you that in order to be happy, we need to dare to be happy, in that daring maybe we’ll face that the happiness of others is far away from ours and getting to that consiousness represents choosing a different path from those with whom we no longer share moments of joy; this awakening makes us understand that being with certain people is not the best option anymore; nonetheless, that’s when we connect with our imposed values of control and sacrifice and we choose to postpone our self-happiness in order to take care of the happiness of those persons who no longer add anything good to our lives.  

I want you to know that the decision of being happy is directly related to your internal peace; living with internal peace means that you’ve achieved being in peace with your thoughts, emotions and actions and in this way, you can act according to what you want, that’s called integral awareness.

Our ancestors created memories of unhappiness because inside their minds was to produce a life that needed tragedy and suffering; one one side, women had the consciousness of having lots of children and in that belief, had miscarriages or their babies were born dead; in that devaluation towards themselves they prevented to connect with the grief that loss represented, this suppressed on them the comprehension of the experience itself; of course this fact could generate on them a breast cancer whose emotional conflict was based on the loss of a beloved one, because what their mouth silenced, their body manifested and in addition, it was inherited on you.

On the other hand, men had to work to bring the food to the table, as long as they decided to return, but none of them were asked, what profession did they want?, what they were doing was what they really wanted? Because in the male ancestral consciousness, the emotions were mutilated from their system to install on them the search of survival instead; this could generate heart diseases on them as a consequence of not having followed what they really desired and maybe you, for layalty towards them, don’t allow yourself to do what really connects with you.

What your family tree went through doesn’t need to be repeated by you; the diseases that existed in your ancestors have to stay with them because repeating their story means limiting yours and by consequence, condemning yourself to follow the unhappy and devaluating memory your lineage created; this doesn’t mean that they did it wrong, they did it according to the consciounsness they had in that moment and the way they chose it was functional back then because in their minds they could only identify life through an illness that took them to death.

Every day there are more people in the world that feel unsatisfied with their jobs, with their couples and with the life they have chosen to materialize, this as a result of a society that prepared us to live on the service of our ego who tells us with fear that if we change to the unexpected, nothing will be the same, there’ll be loneliness and there’ll be no money.

One of the most worrying things about unhappiness is that it has become the seed of any illness that’ll be looking to materialize in our body because any symptom is based on the devaluation of what we’ve always wanted to be before what we’re forced to turn into; remember that we’ve been programmed to believe that happiness is outside of us and this has conditioned our conduct to the point of loosing any vote of will and freedom.

If you really want to connect with your happiness, it’s important for you to understand what makes you happy? Because if you pretend to find happiness outside of you, you’ll live a life of longing and when you do a recount of what you’ve lived, you’ll realize that sacrificing yourself wasn’t as worthy as you imagined, because beyond of having given yourself, you’ll have taken away from you the peace, stability, harmony and love; have in mind that there isn’t an unhappiness path that can take you to a peaceful fate.

Make yourself the favour of being happy, feed with food that affirms your health, propose to connect with yourself before you do it with others, accept and love yourself for who you are, create a life according to the dreams you’ve always wanted to give you, because if you don’t do it, you’ll reach the 70 years old thinking “if only I had done…” and you’ll blame the age for the symptoms you’ve generated in your body, when in reality, the decision of getting there, was sustained by the seed of unhappiness you watered everyday to later see it’s blossom.

You deserve to be happy, Shary ChavLó