At first, when I decided to launch my life project, I felt fear in combination with a deep uncertainty, in that moment I had a permanent job; although  inside me I didn’t want to be there but instead, dedicated to what I wanted. It was during that vibration of wanting to be somewhere else while I was still in that job, that I got fired.

When I got fired I felt a significant relief because I wasn’t going to be submitted to the work schedules that seemed irrational to me; now I would be the owner of my time, life and dreams.

During this project I have faced different challenges and insecurities, but deep inside me, I know I have grown professionally and spiritually; I won’t lie to you, I’ve cried and on many occasions I have stopped believing; nonetheless I keep going despite of the stones I’ve put myself.

I tell you this because we’re used to conditioning ourselves with our most agressive beliefs; because my unconscious was programmed with ideas such as: “you can’t”, “it’s very hard”, “only beautiful people is succesful”, “you aren’t lucky”, etc. Then, how could I ambition to be the CEO of my own company?, how could I live comfortably doing what I love?, Is it possible that I can do it?

Like you know, I’m an author and every week I write about certain subjects; since the begining of the week what I do first is create all the content I’ll publish; I write and give some space to the creation of workshops and conferences I want to give. My day starts early in the morning, I go to the gym and come back home to work.

Being the owner of my time made me feel extremily guilty because inside our collective system it’s essential that we dedicate our life to be in one job; but now, none of that exists anymore, just my project and myself.

Only when your mind’s free of ideas
and beliefs, it can act properly.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Our conditionings are based on the experiences we’ve had in the past, those built our beliefs. Remember our survival instinct is continuing with those same repetition patterns; we do that with the purpose of not getting free of a system that has enslaved us for thousands of generations; even though it makes us believe we are free.

I’ve thought about abandoning what I do because of the fear I feel, but it’s not a fear based on what won’t happen, because everyday something wonderful happens to me; it’s the fear that nothing happens when I want and in the way I desire; on that conditioning I became unfair with myself and I stop believing that I can also manifest what I want.

Let me tell you something, In order to let things happen to us, it’s not necessary that we do something, what we need is trust and that’s not a conditioning, it’s a truth.

If you realize, women have thousands of conditionings; among them have a perfect physique; because behind that belief resides our need of approval before a system that has left women under concepts that are below the value of existence.

The image of men has been overvalued because the God who’s prayed, as well as the angels, saints or any divine figure, has been perceived as a man; this idea in the social collective has made the masculine gender distort their finction as human beings who can also cry, feel and create.

We’re still conditioned to look for a couple that gives us love; we are still believing that happiness is a goal we have to achieve at some point in our life; we continue with the conditioning of those who have more, are more valuable; we are still believing that guilty are the ones who hurt us in a story where we also participate; we are still conditioned to the mistakes of the past with frustration of wanting to change it; we are still conditioned to “be someone”, so we’ll never be ourselves.

The reality we live in, is made of endless beliefs the environment has imposed upon us to adapt into a system that only identifies us with labels, and in that need of belonging and recognition, we keep looking for acceptance in the most painful and irrational places; this keeps us away from transforming a collective that still wants to be hypnotized before the illusion.  

Seems complicated to transform those beliefs that have conditioned us for thousands of generations, but the decision to remain or continue like that is part of your free will, if you don’t start observing from which places you’re conditioning yourself, you’ll keep choosing representatives that’ll try to shape your destiny; and that’s one of the most silent agressions because you’ll identify with those conditionings that make you believe you are that way, when in reality, your beliefs are what prevent you from becoming the person you were destinated to be for fear of not belonging anymore.

Become free, Shary ChavLó ∞