Everyone at some point in our lives, ambition a great future, want a couple with whom we can build a family, have a house we can call home, a job we love and keep our friendships forever. 

What’s fate? It’s the inseparable effect of a cause that was previously created to live what’s going to help us reach our true purpose in life; sometimes this fate isn’t the way we wanted; nonetheless, every fate can always be modified as long as we’re conscious of what we seed in our thoughts so they can be manifested in our reality. 

Only consciousness is what let us act, think and feel with congruence; and it’ll live conditioned or free, based on the place we take our minds. 

“Understanding who you are is more important, than pursuing what you think you should be.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti

When our parents took the decision of materializing us, in the same way we decided to come from them, from that moment part of our family loyalty was formed because for the family and the social collective, we come from the so-called original sin, which means that besides being born with guilt, inside our information were the emotional debts that had to be paid, those dysfunctions will be translated into something we’ll call fate.  

Have in mind that your path will be conditioned by the codes you had with your family tree, which will be decoded during your existence in the shape of patterns and repetitions because your clan will have the need to repair through its genealogy what hasn’t resolved yet; if you haven’t done consciousness of your loyalties, your fate will be sentenced through the contracts you made for love to your ancestors, even though this implies sacrificing your own dreams. 

How can this happen? When we transcend to the spiritual dimension, what remains between the physical and the spiritual world is the consciousness; therefore, it never dies; this conscious field is what remains active between your family and yourself; for example: if you studied a career that isn’t related to your current job it’s because you’re repairing through your profession the wounds your family tree has; if you have a couple who’s like your parents, it’s because through him or her you’re looking to repair the relationship they had; if you have an inheritance disease, it’s because through it you’re putting your family name up high and leaving on the top of recognition the member who provoked it and if you don’t follow your dreams, it’s because none of your transgenerational did that; therefore, you won’t connect with yours either and that will allow you to remain part of the family.  

The generational bond won’t never be broken but what can really be modified is the way you relate with the members of your tree; not repeating your ancestors story doesn’t mean you don’t value them, means you’re taking a much more positive path that requires of your intention to make out of your journey something pleasurable that implies letting go of the sacrifice and the high cost life demands. 

In life you’ll run into a lot of missions and you’ll do it because all of them will help you to give shape to what you’re destinated to become, inside those missions will be the key which unites all of them: the detachment of the situations and the people you believed were part of your fate and that challenge will imply to recognize them as a piece of your story but not of your life and only time will help you to understand why it happened the way it did; in order to gain this answer, what’s left is to walk towards it because even though the lessons can turn challenging, they have the purpose to bring out the best version of yourself and in that way, manage to connect with that internal strength to find the solution behind the chaos you feel, but if you don’t do it because you think that everything will change for you, you’ll loose what your true fate has planned for you; remember that the magic of your purpose is that it’ll always be personal.

If you want to modify the destiny you feel so scared about, you have to learn how to deal with the consequences it brings, because if you don’t like what reality’s showing you, you’ll hardly know how to deal with the plans of tomorrow; give yourself the opportunity to create an authentic fate, observe what’s in your life and ask yourself if the way you feel today,  you’re willing to live like that for 50 more years? If the answer is no, then what are you doing to change it? Have in mind that if you don’t make any consciousness about this, you’ll take yourself to live the future you resist to live.

Your ancestors had a life by choice, not by obligation this means that by free will they decided to continue with an unjust system, the same you don’t need to materialize anymore; stop comparing yourself with others because comparison separates you from your self-purpose, the others have the same potential as you and they’re also here to find themselves. When you’re completely ready to connect with your path you’ll know how to reach the depth of your being because only your being knows what’s your purpose in life, because inside yourself lives the Universe, God or the energy that created you and it needs your permission to create what it has considered for your fate, which can only be done through yourself; remember that the only thing that’s written is the evolution of your soul and only with awareness you’ll know how to get there in a healthy way.  

You create magic, Shary ChavLó