Over the years our needs have transformed, when we were children we yearned to have the most popular toys and in order to materialize them we had to wait for our birthdays, christmas or get good grades at school so we could have what we wanted. 

When we reached adolescence we started a phase of discovery around what we wanted to materialize again, maybe a possible couple so we could feel more popular than the others; later when we entered to the University we started thinking about how to materialize our first formal job.

Have you realized that your needs have changed? This happens because our life is all about materializing new cycles, new people, new jobs, new thoughts and of course, new experiences that force us to transform ourselves, because the nature of human beings is to migrate, is transforming and expanding ourselves in a new process of growth

Long time ago I decided to form myself as a life coach, I made this decision ‘cause I believe that the most important thing in the human experience is to generate consciousness and manifest life through it; my training as a spiritual coach started with the search of answers related to everything that happened in the Universe because until today, I’m intrigued about people’s mind because I believe that everything we live is not by chance. 

Since I was a child I liked to write my thoughts and ideas, because I consider that materializing my words makes me feel that I can understand myself a little bit more and the people around me; like you know, I’m a writer of my own blog, every week I talk about a topic of my authorship; but before launching my website to the public I was denied to the materialization my profession as a coach because I considered my carrer was irrelevant, some people even encouraged me to open a website with unpublished writings that I had written in the past; when I decided to trust in my carrer, I magically encountered with an old friend and a sister for life, whom I hadn’t seen in years; I told her about what I wanted to do and she proposed me to open a website where we could reach the world, so we decided to open it in two languages, spanish and english; from there, the rest is history. 

“What you think you create, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become.” 


Why do we sometimes materialize things that we don’t want? Well, in the Universe there’s something called “The principle of Mentalism” this means that everything in the Universe is mind and we connect with this energy through our thoughts in order to create according to our self-vibration; if we are thinking in lacking or abundance, the Universe through its conscious mind will help us to materialize our internal dialogues that we have previously manifested in decrees; now imagine the familiar and social beliefs that have been lead us to believe that everything is hard and practically impossible, with those limited thoughts, do you believe you can materialize anything you want?

In my experience I can tell you that what’s destinated for us tends to be a loving process and without any obstacles, the “difficulty” shows up when the only thing that’s left, is believing that what we want is going to happen, because within the path to manifest what we want, we’ll face our fears and insecurities that’ll make us believe that nothing is possible. 

To begin manifesting, we need to release the imposed beliefs in order to materialize what we want from scratch. For example: When we want to materialize a healthier and a more esthetic body, we normally start with the incorrect point, which is comparing ourselves with those who have what we want, this connects us with the fear of imperfection of a collective that tells us to be perfect; when we want to materialize a couple, we start with the rejectment towards loneliness, that will make us materialize a person with whom we feel alone all the time; when we want to materialize a job for the money we’ll earn, we start by looking for one from the thought of lacking and from that moment, we deprive ourselves from our right to abundance, this makes us materialize a place where we’re not valued and where the salary is unfair; keep in mind that the materialization will depend on the vibration we are, if we feel fear we’ll materialize our biggest fears, if we feel love, the materialization we’ll end up surprising us.  

A fundamental step to materialize what we want is the compromise towards our goals, it doesn’t mean that the more you suffer, the more will be the commitment and the materialization will be better; commitment means that in the same way you create, you detach from what you’ve created because you trust that what you have sown will blossom at the correct time, this means that you’ve finally released control and you’re allowing the Universe to conspire in your favour so you can manifest with consciousness.

If you want to loose weight, make a nutrition plan, subscribe to the gym and allow yourself to train and move your body, commit yourself to continue doing it and release the results you can get, because your body reacts to a process so give it the opportunity to adapt itself to the changes; if you want to materialize a couple you can sign up in dating apps, go out with your friends, visit places you like etc., with the commitment that you won’t abandon yourself for the need of being with someone; if you want to change your current job, ask yourself: what kind of job do I want to manifest? When you’re ready, make improvements in your curriculum, maybe give it a better design and start sending it to the places where your skills and talents will work, take the attention away from the worries about money; because when you do what gives you joy, money becomes an addition to your work, so commit to trust in yourself to achieve what you’re looking for. 

In order to materialize a dream you don’t have to do anything, everything you want will come effortless to your life, because the Universe that created everything, creates through you and the way the Universe looks at you is as a succesful person, so give yourself the opportunity to believe in it; also give yourself the chance to visualize you full of joy because when you’re in that vibration, by law of resonance you’ll attract situations and people with whom you can share attributes that have the same purpose; I hope your dreams won’t be based on the recognition of others because if that’s your goal, life will teach you that you’re in the wrong dream; I’m sure that if we came to earth is to live enriching experiences, because you like everyone else, are here to create wonderful things, so please believe in it. 

You’re incredible, Shary ChavLó