I studied communication with the idea that someday I would work in the show business; when I decided to study that career my parents encouraged me to study something else ‘cause they believed that working on the massive media was extremely difficult and indeed, the prophecy was fulfilled; when I decided to study that career I never thought about the mission of my life, I was immersed in those traumas that made me feel not accepted and not worthy of love.  

I believe that having a life’s mission it’s not the same as having a goal, which is created under our own precepts and depends on us if we accomplish it or not; while the life’s mission relies on the complete recognition of your gifts, talents and capacities, knowing that your personal features are the gifts that the divinity supporting you gave you and through them, you can serve the others with consciousness and love; therefore, the task of everyone is to discover what we’re made of in order to transcend the situations or release people who doesn’t contribute us anymore.

Love is one of the matters that I like to address the most ‘cause I believe that it’s our only truth, but I don’t like to talk about the kind of love we romanticize and whose motives are thanks to those feelings a third party makes us feel, I like to talk about the love that lies on a conscious and present state that connects us with a state of peace, the one that excludes any sensation of butterflies and any kind of illusion; I’ve reached to the conclusion that the mission we all have to achieve related to love, is to turn it into a service that benefits us, which consists in stop asking for it as a condition. 

Long time ago I discovered that my life’s mission was based in connecting with my purest essence that’s being in resonance with my own spirituality and from there, help myself, so through that acquired knowledge I could guide others; I’ve concluded that God, the Universe or the creator’s energy looks at us or identifies us through the intensity of our own light and I believe that our collective mission is to help others so that light can expand; for example, if you have a unique talent or knowledge, share it, so the chain that started from you can spread to one and thousands of people more; therefore, your light will never turn off ‘cause it’ll remain thanks that you help others through what you taught them, thus, that knowledge will evolve as well; nonetheless, if you keep or repress your talents so that nobody can see them; or worst, so that the others can only admire you, the light you emanate wil turn off with the time and your existence would have been useless. 

 “Go where people can respect your soul, don’t go where they only respect your suit.” 

Alejandro Jodorowsky.

We’re experiencing one of the most difficult years in humanity and it seems that everything stops, it feels like our dreams have an unreachable future or if our situation will never end; I can tell you that I love what I do and every day I convince myself that my mission is to reach people like you so we can walk by the hand and grow up together; besides that I think that’s the best thing I can do and where my talents and capacities develop in their totality; nevertheless, I’ve had moments when I can’t do this anymore and I don’t want to move forward, but I give myself the opportunity to reconsider and understand that my mission in this present moment is to believe in myself and put faith in what I do ‘cause this situation teaches me that for now, the mission I’m facing is to stop controlling and accept the process in which life is putting me. 

Our soul has the characteristic of being cyclical, this means that’s in constant change and evolution; therefore, the question that we have to do is: what’s the mission we have today? Maybe you’re in a relationship where you’re not happy anymore ‘cause you stopped using the attribute of being happy by yourself; possibly you’re in a job where you feel devalued and maybe your mission is to discover which are the beliefs that are keeping you there which are preventing you from moving to a better place; ‘cause one of the main missions in life, is living in peace with everything you’re experiencing. 

Take away from your mind that one of your missions is to change so that the others can love you; get rid of the idea that you came to the world to have a couple that loves you ‘cause for that to happen, first you have to understand the base of your mission that’s loving yourself, stop seeing your mission through the comparison with the others ‘cause that’ll take you to turn off your light and you’ll think that you didn’t came to the world to shine; stop thinking that your mission is to suffer family violence  ‘cause that’s not a mission, it’s a sacrifice that doesn’t worth your sorrow; stop believing that the mission of everyone is based in suffering ‘cause that’s the biggest lie that the system has told us to drift us away from the only truth that’s being happy without having to accomplish unreachable goals.

If you’re willing to discover your life’s mission stop thinking that you don’t fit in the world; focus on the challenges that your soul chose in order to transcend them and accept them with love; ‘cause if there’s something for sure is that we are all here to be in constant learning and evolution, remember that you came to the world to expand your bright through your knowledges, talents and capacities so with them, you can guide the others to turn their own lights on and in that way, you can shine as one; I hope that your mission can be based on sharing with those who feel less fortunate than you; I dream that your mission won’t be focused on just earning money ‘cause in the future, your ambition will make you forget your true mission; I also desire that our collective mission be to get away from the need to project our lackings and believe in the guilt as the only solution, but to learn how to use responsibility as a powerful weapon that can help us transform everything; I yearn that we as a individuals can learn how to recognize our own fears so we can work with them and release them in order to stop using them as an excuse disguised with the words “I can’t”; I wish with all my heart that the discovery of your mission will be to create possibility within the impossible ‘cause I’m sure that nothing make us different, the only thing that separates us is that we’re one step away from resonating with the merit in order to achieve everything we want to do in life. 

Accept yourself, Shary ChavLó ∞