Almost 3 months ago an earthquake happened in Mexico City, in the country we have alarms that ring 30 seconds before any earthquake so we can be able to go out, unfortunately that day the alarm didn’t ring because the epicentre was very close to the city, so there were a lot of landslides and many people were left under the rubble, others homeless or without a family.

Time after came to my consulting room people in a state of crisis and afraid of dying. I believe the matter of death generates a huge controversy because as humans terrorizes us the feeling there’s an end, when in reality it’s not the fear of death because death will take just a moment and none of us will realize when is going to happen, possibly it’s that fear of knowing how are we going to abandon our body.

According to quantum physics the concept of “biocentrism[1]holds that consciousness doesn’t die after the physical death, that’s just an ilusion in people’s mind, nonetheless, consciousness remains out of the limitations of time and space and is capable to be anywhere. This law sustains the existence of alternate universes, this means, in one universe the body can be dead and in the other one, the soul or consciousness keeps existing.

Time ago I talked you about universal consiousness and I told you that all of us are connected with it because that unity of consciousness never dies ‘cause we are eternal life inside a little box that as years go by will inevitably deteriorate like the biocentrism law says, but for me, it only exist a universe in which everything is life and existence without the need of a body, therefore, is a universe living together.

I want you to understand that the death we know is just the moment of detachment of an earthly experience, as such, death doesn’t exist is just the desitegration of the physical body that’s transformed into the same particles that conform the universe, thus, we adhere to it.

Death is not the night, but the light; is not the end,
but the begining, is nothing, but the eternity.

Victor Hugo.

You know someting? I’ve laways believed that human beings die a couple of times in the earthly life, when we experience situations that are challenging or that hurt us and there’s no other option but transforming ourselves and somehow a version of us leaves and not longer exist, that’s the real death, the one that allows us to grow and evolve.

 In this world we are made of a finite law that consists in a begining and an ending, and all of us are destinated to it but we live in a constant attachement that doesn’t allow us to let go those who have merged into the spiritual world, but that doesn’t mean they are not with you, like I’ve said those people that don’t have a physical body are in the same universe as you, just in a different presentation, and when we can see, feel or dream with them is there when we coincide in the same space time, nevertheless, death is only the perception that comes from a concept of tragedy and suffering, but the earthly death is not something bad much less something to mourn on, because that’s the decision of the soul that is returning where it belongs, to that universe that knows eternal.

Why some physical deaths are tragic? Remember that the soul is cyclic, and in it’s infinite wisdom knows when it’s time to go and leaves the body whatever the circumstances in terms of what the soul agreed to learn in this experience, but we constantly want to apply a judgment and we want to look for an explanation of why the person died like that, remember that only the soul knows why it wanted to learn like that.

It’s inevitable that physical dead don’t leave us pain, that pain comes from that created bound and the olnly thing that’s left is to say goodbye to those people who accompanied us, but remember that goodbyes are also for your growth, so if you are one of the persons who have seen someone loved leave, please respect his/her process in the same way he or she decided to pay tribute to you that still live on earth, please stop suffering because I can assure you that you haven’t lost anyone because that person is in that infinite love, the one that knows there’s no separation at all because the only truth, is that we exist.

If you are one of the persons who’s scared to death, let me tell you something, your fear is not about leaving your body, but on living, because living is everyday and dying only takes a minimal part of one space in the time, so please live and make of your earthly life something wonderful, without worrying, overwhelming for tiny things, stressing for everything, getting upset for things that don’t even worth it, and when the marvelous moment to merge with everything arrives, then you will do it in gratefulness for this wonderful experience.

With gratitude and service,
Shary ChavLó


[1] Biocentrism: from the greek bios (life) and kentron (center)