One of the situations that terrorizes us the most is when we perceive ourselves alone and we define loneliness as the worst karma ever.

In my experience I can say loneliness is just an excuse that disguises of the absence of others to avoid our self-contact.

Why does loneliness disguise of the absence of others? It’s simple, we’re afraid of get to know ourselves, because we believe we are not worthy enough to think that our own company is valuable.

Loneliness is not what happens when you are alone,
it’s something you feel when you cannot be with yourself.


I’ve told you that I chose spirituality as my life’s mission, being spiritual doesn’t exclude anyone, spirituality is a state of consciousness that allows self-acceptance, self-love and self-gratitude, nevertheless, is a place where loneliness becomes the most faithful companion, because as we decide to be in contact with ourselves the outside becomes unnecessary because spirituality is not based on lacking but rather on the universal abundance that emanates from ourselves.

I’ll tell you something, loneliness is a created fear by the outside that makes us believe that being alone is a bad thing because we relate it to the lack of love, it means, if we are alone is because nobody loves us and we need to be with someone to feel loved and in that way fit in the social standards.

Remember when I talked you about ego? I told you that’s the darkest part living within us, is that side of us that feels so small compared to others, is the one who says: “you can’t”, “you’re ugly”, “don’t even try it”, “it’s impossible” etc., that ego is who urgently needs the others to project on them his own lackings because if he does it all alone, he enters in panic because he’ll always be thinking that there is an end and he has to take everything with him, so he won’t be the loser of the game.

If we see it from another side of cosciousness we’ll understand that loneliness dosen’t exist, is just an emotional state that generates us anxiety of not be doing things well, because if the others see us alone we’ll be judged as the ones who are living mistaken, and you know? When we really are in personal contact, that’s when we start integrating ourselves knowing that we’re not alone, I’m with me and the others are contributing to that companionship the same way I do with them.

In this world we live accumulating, we accumulate people, things, experiences with the belief that the more we have, the more accompanied we’ll be, thus that loneliness will taste less bitter; I want you to know that’s a lie, accumulate will only make us live in attachement and at the same time in disattachement with our own encounter.

Remember that we are belonging beings to an environment, a clan or a pack, and perceive us without one terrifies us, but in reality is that need of seeing ourselves using the others as mirrors, so if the others leave, then on who do I look myself?

Let me tell you something, stop being afraid, afraid of believing that you’ll stay alone forever because with that same frequency you’ll attract those people and experiences in your life, those with whom you will share loneliness until you understand that feeling will end when you decide to face and hug yourself.

Remember that being alone or not, is a decision of every human being; so let’s start by being responsible enough to be on charge of our own loneliness without adhere it to others.

You, as everyone else on this earth have wonderful qualities but you won’t be able to see them until you decide to look, appreciate, honour and most of all love yourself, because when you really know how to be with you; you’ll be able to fit in that world you perceive alien.

Have in mind everyday of your life that you are more than a physical body, you are and expansive energy, one that can do everything and has everything, so don’t hook on that neccesity of belonging to something or someone, because that idea only lives in your mind and from there, you make up your own life concepts, believe me that you are someone who deserves to be accompanied, as long as you never abandon yourself.

I’m next to you,
Shary ChavLó