“Who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside, awakens.”

Carl G. Jung .

Game of Thrones was one of the most successful worldwide series, which is based on the “Song on Ice and Fire” novels of the writer and screenwriter George R.R Martin; the plot focuses on the power struggle between 7 noble houses that want to obtain the main throne called The Iron Throne to dominate all the houses of the Westeros continent. 

One of the things that caught my attention about this story is the generational burdens that every character has, and all of them represent a genealogy based on violations, incests, betrayals, robberies, slaughters, destruction and greed. 

One of the most endearing characters of the show is Jon Snow, he’s known as the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch; he’s considered as a bastard man for being the illegitimate son of the owner of one of the most important houses called, “House Stark”; Jon’s a man characterized by his courage but with a deep wound of abandonment that condemned him throughout his life. 

He’s one of the characters who stands out in the story because he’s one of the most memorable warriors, has a noble heart and is always looking for the best way to be a leader; nonetheless, the rejectment wound caused from the side of his adoptive mother made him remember he wasn’t worthy of existence. 

How this wound impacted on Jon Snow’s life? Remember that all of us come from two joint stories, related to the biology of our mother and father, their stories were inherited to us through our gestation, this conditioned us to create an imposed fate. Jon Snow was begotten under a family secret, he was the legitimate heir of the Iron Throne because he descended from another important house called “House Targaryen” who was the ruling house during 300 years until they were removed from the power. 

In Jon’s mind there was always the thought that he was a bastard or an unwanted child, that belief dominated his life so much that the environment he attracted, remembered him who he was and this lead him to develop a victim attitude oriented by the lack of merit he felt towards himself; his most known couple was Daenerys Targaryen who besides being the “love of his life”, represented his legitimate aunt. 

Daenerys Targaryen is a woman who was born as a cause of an incest from her parents, both siblings and progenitors of Daenerys; she’s a very dominant woman and wants to take control of everything so she can become the universal queen of all the realms, thus claiming what her family was taken from; in the process of that conquest she meets Jon Snow from who she fells in love with; but that crush is based on the acceptance of her biological program that the incest is allowed in the Targaryen family. 

Have present that inside our dual consciousness there will always be the identification of the victim and the aggressor, but both archetypes live in the same polarity that’s in the lack of responsability; in the world we live in, we’ve become addicted to look for the aggressor we think is living on the outside, thus we use the victim’s favourite weapon that’s the repressed guilt in order to connect it to an aggressor who can remind us how we feel towards ourselves. 

On of the last chapters of the series, Daenerys massacres a whole city, and this allows her to take the power of the Iron Throne; she later defined that slaughter as ‘necessary’ because according to her she knew what was right and because of that, the others didn’t get to choose, but why did she make a decision like this? Because it’s through culpability that we look to project the programs that talk about defending the nation, the ideals, the government, the religion, the family, the power and in order to not be deprived of what we think is ours, we choose to kill for what we think is correct, so in that way we can convince ourselves that our reasoning is the only truth above all. 

Jon Snow chose to kill her because he saw on her a threat for the future generations; nonetheless, what unconsciously moved Jon Snow to murder her, was that he could never forgive the absence of a mother and the guilt he felt for existing was so heavy that he prefered to kill his lover but in reality this was the revenge towards his non-existent mother who ruined his life; nontheless, in his conscious mind he did it because the world would be the victim of an empowered woman; in addition, his action reminds us to the feminicide crimes that have chasen us for centuries and this  evoques the huge amount of women who are murdered on the hands of their lovers. 

The homicide that Jon Snow commited condemned him to live as an exiled and despite he knew the true about himself, he prefered to become the victim of the story that gave birth to him because he never allowed himself to take away from his mind that he was a bastard son who didn’t deserve the love of a woman nor play a role of power. Jon fought so much for the freedom of others that ironically he could never free himself from his own shadow, the same he didn’t knew how to deal with and that made him turn into his most challenging aggressor conditioned by his past

Remember that our transgenerationals will look how to repair through their living members the damage, the pain, the tragedies, the sadness, the hate, the suffering, the dissapointments, the abandonments, the incests and everything that stained the values connected to love. In the end of the series, the universal hier of the Iron Throne was a man who was paralytic due to an accident and this fact prevented him from having decendents; within the genealogy this is known as a ‘dead branch’ which tells us that the best way of healing the story is avoiding the repetition through not having more generations. 

Our need of being the victim will be end when we stop looking to have power over the things that are impossible to control; have in mind that the illusion of power breaks the human psyche because it makes us believe that power will make us feel respected and loved above all things, when in reality, this speaks about our need to accumulate, because remember that love, respect and unity can only come from ourselves so we can share it with the world and be able to generate trascendental changes. 

I want to tell you that you’re where you have to be in your life today, but is your judgement which prevents you from seeing things the way they are and for that, you keep resisting to take consciousness that you’re not the victim, instead you’re the universal creator of what you’re living, if you don’t allow yourself to get rid of that role, you’ll attract situations and people that’ll remind you the character you gladly play; if you really want a happy fate start by taking responsibility of  your happiness; the one, that doesn’t live in the victim nor the aggressor, but on the value you give to yourself according to what you believe about your self-being

With love and service, Shary ChavLó