Elementary school was one of the seasons that confronted me the most, I didn’t see any purpose of learning endless subjects when I didn’t really feel interested about them and in addition, I felt forced to get good grades in order to pass to the next school year. I remember a teacher who used to tell us as students, that if we didn’t study enough we would be part of the failed people.

When I listened to those words I imagined myself on top of a pile of children with a flag that said the failed children; that image and those words remained printed on my memory for a very long time because I didn’t give myself the opportunity to understand the meaning of those messages; honestly I don’t remember a time where school seemed fascinating to me, except for the friendships I made; and it was until University that I understood the whole process that I had to pass in order to appreciate that what I was studying would be worthy at some point of my future. 

I imagine that when you were about to finish your career, a part of you imagined yourself facing a huge amount of job opportunities and you were almost ready to face a job that would help you to grow up as a professional… what happened to me when I finished school, was that I didn’t find any work related to what I studied and the more time passed, the market became more competitive; and there I was, without any offer that seemed attractive to me and that could help me put in practice my school knowledge; those panic moments reminded me the words of being the failed girl I rejected, because for me, being part of a failed wave was the same as being mediocre

What’s being mediocre? In many occasions I’ve told you about our inseparable consciousness of separation that makes us believe that the cause of any suffering is outside ourselves, this space that dissociates you from yourself and from reality, it’s called mediocrity; which is a mental state that makes us condition life through a dual perspective, this means that it’ll always make us blame the others; it’ll make us think that everything is derived from our bad luck; it’ll make us believe that loneliness is dangerous; it’ll make us feel that we’re not worthy enough; it’ll make us stay in toxic relationships believing that sometimes love hurts; it’ll abandon us in jobs where we feel comfortable although we’re unhappy and it’ll tell us that is impossible to follow our dreams.

Remember that one of the strongest limitations we face as humans is the need of compare ourselves with the others; because comparison will always be the moment that by free will you take away your self-steem and it dissociates from your personal power; I want to tell you that comparison is one of the favourite tools of mediocrity because it makes you believe that your personal value is medium and that’s why you project your totality in the outside in order to measure your self-love through what you see, hear and believe. 

“The mediocrity is the worst disability.” 

Nick Vujicic.

Mediocrity isn’t related to the place you reach in life, instead it’s in the attitude you have on every step you give; mediocrity isn’t conditioned to success but to the position you put yourself when you’re failing; mediocrity isn’t measured by what you have but it’s in the gratitude you show when you receive; mediocrity is not being a failure, everything it’s in the power you give to your beliefs; mediocrity is not in the absence of a couple but it’s the need  you show when you’re looking for one; mediocrity is not in the way you do things but it’s in the posture of being perfect while you’re doing them; mediocrity is not confronting yourself with the others, but it’s in the inequiality you show to those you believe are different than you; mediocrity is not in the job you’re working, but it’s in the complaints you say while you’re doing it; mediocrity is not in what you’re living but it’s in the interpretations you give to what you’re experiencing; mediocrity is not about how the others make you feel but it’s in the blame you project because you don’t accept yourself; mediocrity isn’t in your bank account but it’s leaving your self-value in the hands of a monthly salary; mediocrity is not keeping track of your achievements, but it’s in the lack of help you offer to others so they can also achieve their own goals;  mediocrity is not in your emotions but it’s in the justifications you put when you don’t wan’t to feel them for fear of being vulnerable;  mediocrity is not in what you do or don’t do but it’s in the power you give to the lack of time by don’t doing it; mediocrity is not in the aggressor but it’s in the victim that gives him/her the authority to exist; mediocrity will always be reflected in the way you treat others because the others are the reflection of what you think about yourself. 

Being mediocre is believing that your couple is going to change for you; being mediocre is constantly comparing yourself ‘cause you’re afraid of accepting yourself the way you are; being mediocre is questioning the lives of others; being mediocre is using mockery to refer to the others; being mediocre is believing that everyone is wrong, except yourself; being mediocre is believing that the other belongs to you for fear of not accepting that s/he can be happy without you; being mediocre is not crying because you believe that you have to be strong; being mediocre is be next to someone who doesn’t love you; being mediocre is conditioning yourself to your own judgements that don’t allow you to be free; being mediocre is staying in a place that you know it’s not good for you; being mediocre is trying to control what’s outside of you; being mediocre is asking something when you’re not giving anything; being mediocre is observing the others as your enemies; being mediocre is stop believing in yourself ‘cause that thought is taking you away from the unity you are; and there’s nothing more dangerous than abandoning yourself for the fear of not feeling worthy. 

I want to tell you that mediocrity is not something wrong, that’s the mind’s dialogue that makes you believe that you’re mistaken for not ambitioning more, for not looking like someone, for not going further; you must know that all of us feel afraid of not becoming someone else, for not belonging to some places, for not being where we want to be, for not having what we desire; but if we allow that our fears hide and lead our life, then it’ll be normal to vibrate fearful and hidden in our own mediocrity that’ll make us believe that we are unworthy of reaching fullness because we have convinced ourselves that the personal and social changes are outside oneself; use the mediocrity as a teacher that can teach you to see the consequences of leaving your self-value in the external beliefs so in that way, you give yourself the opportunity to assume your self-power and be able to see and feel as complete person. 

You’re special, 

Shary ChavLó ∞