Days before I start writing, I think about what I want to say, the shape I want to give to my words and review in my mind the phrases I want to capture in you; nonetheless, this time I don’t have planned or elaborated messages to describe one of the most serious symptoms that we can experience as human beings, the so-called depression

According to the World Health Organization, depression is a mental disorder that affects more than 300 million people in the world; depression directly impacts in our emotional states and can turn into a serious conflict, to the point that it can take people to commit suicide. 

From my perspective depression is rooted in the need of changing the present with a deep resistance to the future and feeling dependent of a past that’s seen through the eyes of guilt; there’s no doubt that depression has many causes, the medical opinion is that depressed people show high levels of cortisol and several chemical agents that act in the brain, such as neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline; of course, mi opinion will always be supported on a spiritual aspect, believing that this opinion is as valuable as any other. 

I believe that since we were born, we did it with a purpose focused on love; in other words, we weren’t born in a state of depression, therefore; at which moment detonates in us, such a serious and aggressive state? It’s clear that in the moment we grow up, our brain began to be filled with judgements, programming and conditionings that were related to one of the most destructive tools that’s comparison; it all started very simple, we were constantly compared with our siblings, neighbors, friends, and colleagues and this idea, built in our mind that it was better being like the other instead of being oneself. 

This belief of comparison makes us suppose this: “I’m not good enough like the other; therefore, I have to become him or her; however, when we don’t satisfy this belief based on the lacking; it’s when we fall into emotional states that demotivate and depress us, due that our mind gives us interpretations of reality based on what it thinks it lives ‘cause in it’s perception, it believes that’s separated from love, truth and happiness.  

It’s clear that a child who grew up observing a violent environment at home will develop with high levels of anxiety and depression; the same way those children who grew up with a high level of demand from their parents, in their adult life they’ll believe in the idea of perfectionism where there’s never enough, so depression will be the shield for their dissatisfaction; it happens that the children who grew up in a forgotten environment will constantly fall in an abandonment wound that will condition them to depression ‘cause the feeling of being unworthy will win over the love they can give to themselves; there are families that had multiple children, the oldest worked as the parents of the next siblings and the last children, didn’t have a place in the family ‘cause they didn’t know who to follow; for the children who worked as the parents maybe it was easy for them to lead their depression to some kind of addiction in order to connect with the freedom that was taken away from them; the children-siblings maybe lead their depression to dependency, ‘cause they believe that they’re not worthy enough to experience life on their own and those who were forgotten, their depression took them to commit some act against themselves ‘cause they never achieved to identify with something or someone. 

One of the cases of depression, is the postpartum depression; according to the medical explanation, it can be due to stress, hormonal disorder produced during pregnancy and subsequent childbirth where female hormones circulate abundantly during pregnancy and fall sharply afterwards; imagine that women carry in ourselves a very heavy generational chip where our only purpose is to become a mother, we have been lead to believe that we were born for it and when it happens that dream or imposition, all those expectations of how it should be fall down, and the process start to feel bittersweet; the idea of being the perfect mother that sees in their children the joy of a dream finally fulfilled; however, that’s when those women understand and assume that’s not a simple task to abandon themselves in order to give their lives for someone their barely know. 

“In light of any depression, love is and has always been the only answer”.

Shary ChavLó.

Remember that we feel dissociated from the human-emotional experience, ‘cause we’re more aware of what happens on the outside and we forget the awareness of being with oneself, we’re afraid of observing our fears and face them; we’re afraid of looking at ourselves and accept the way we are ‘cause we feel that we’re not enough; we’re afraid of accepting that we’re good alone; we’re afraid of being weak when we were only taught how to be strong; we have the same fear of living as dying; we’re afraid of not being like the others; we’re afraid of recognizing that the Universe also lives in oneself ‘cause that represents to become responsible of our greatness to create amazing experiences; we’re afraid of being thankful ‘cause we think we need those things that we don’t have and we believe we need them to be happy; we’re afraid of being ourselves and experience life the way it is; we’re afraid of being free ‘cause that represents to say goodbye to the others and finish the unwealthy experiences and when we get caught on those thoughts based on fear, we fall into states of deep depression ‘cause we stop seeing life as a reason that motivates us; instead we think life gives us reasons to stops us, because depression is and will be a profound state of abandonment. 

If you have identified that you have a severe depression disorder, in addition of seeking help that can guide you to reconnect with your inner self, it’s important that you identify in which places you believe that depression is your partner; it can be in the absence of couples, family fights, lack of job, loneliness, economy, etc. Because as you identify what are the things that depress you, in that way you’re recognizing that there’s a symptom you haven’t made conscious and you just need your disposition to heal and being well ‘cause you’re not different from any other; you’re as special as any other being who exists on the earth and if you decided to come and experience life, it’s because you surely came to turn up your light and help others to expand their own.

I’m by your side,  Shary ChavLó