If I told you hate is equal to love, would you believe it?

That’s right, both are on the same line, just at different temperature or tuning.

Hate is based on fear, and love, on the compassion and integration of everything; for me, hate results from a negative emotion that was caused by a fact, a person, a situation or an experience; and when we feel it, we reject it automatically, avoiding it and turning it into a poison that takes the shape of hate. Sometimes it makes us believe that isn’t there anymore, but in reality, is keeping us alert so it can stand for our vulnerability, that has been previously attacked and our heart probably hurt.

Time ago I got very hurt with a person who I considered part of my life and became my whole world. I can tell you that I broke, I refused to feel that emotion, I berated myself cruelly saying: How is it possible that a spiritual being like you, be capable to feel hate?

It was until I hit rock bottom that realized I could, because I am a human being like any other, with positive and negative feelings, a dual being. When I got tired, tired of feeling angry, devalued, sad, betrayed and unmotivated; I started to be willing to let go; I decided to accept what for a long time have denied, I allowed myself to feel and heal that deep wound I decided to inflict on myself through another person.

Imagine a glass full of pure water into which you pour small doses of black ink every day… eventually it’ll be completely dark, filthy and with no light; if you decide to store the glass for days, months or even years, when you see it again, would you decide to keep it?  Now visualize the same thing but with your soul, that’s what hate does to us. A single drop of black ink will be sufficient to get your heart dirty, turning it into stone. On my experience, I think one of the best ways of healing is accepting the emotion; give yourself the opportunity to understand that the emotion you deny is only wilting you, if you do that, I assure you it will be transformed; although you must know, that’s always your decision if you release it or prefer to walk beside it.

Siddartha Gautama “Buddha” once said:

“Hate doesn’t end with more hate but with love,
and that is an eternal rule.”

As I told you a moment ago, hate is at the temperature where fear lies and over time becomes the adviser that makes us believe that the harder the armor is, the more secure our survival will be; that’s false, because the more resistant the shell, the being that lives within you, only weakens.

I want you to know that it’s not better to hate or to love, each one will bring different experiences to your life, some of them that’ll possibly tie you and others that untie you and lead you to the place where your highest good lies.  Hating someone will never hurt that person, remember that individual only had the role you gave him in all that story. Hate will only be the seed you believe to plant in others, when in reality, is the fruit that’ll be harvested in you, and at the end, the one who governs all of you.

With grattitude,
Shary ChavLó.