I went to an elementary school that was run by nuns, and it focused on providing catholic religion; I remember every Monday we had to go to the chapel’s school and pray; to be honest this kind of religious activities weren’t in my top five favourite things to do, because I’ve always believed that religion professes a dialogue based on fear so in that way, it can keep us attentive. 

One of the most instilled dogmas of that religion is Jesus Christ; for me, Jesus was one of the most beautiful human beings that could’ve ever existed; of course, my first knowledge about him was through catholicism; which teaches us that: the one and only son of God, suffered on account of humanity; that belief programmed my mind with something called unconscious guilt that made me believe I wasn’t worthy of many things and made me see life as a punishment instead of seeing it as a benefit and all those beliefs  caused the devaluation of my self-esteem. 

I want to tell you that before all I respect your beliefs related to the divinity, Jesus, the Universe etc., and although I have decided to focus my life on the spiritual world, it doesn’t mean I believe that what I do is better than anything else, I do believe that it’s different and something with which I resonate the most. When I entered to the world of the angels, light and spirit,  I decided to meet the other version of Jesus, ‘cause I got tired of identifying myself with the martyr and I wanted to know more about the human being who experienced earthly life like us, someone with doubts, temptations, dualities and darkness, a human being who had to shelter during 40 days to understand himself and connect with his life’s mission; the catholic religion calls Easter to this 40 days period. 

Easter, according to catholicism is the period of purification, reflection and spiritual conversion, in order to prepare ourselves to receive God in our lifes; I don’t know if you believe in God or in any other divinity; in my experience I define God as an inner state which vibrates according to our free will; this means that if I vibrate heavy and think negatively, I’ll feel that divinity as a judicious energy; instead if decide to vibrate from love and think from unity, this divinity will feel merciful and in that way I’ll create my life. When I became aware of this, I went through the most complex stage of my life that was taking responsibility of my beliefs related to God, my relationships, family, dualities, etc., and accept that nobody has been guilty of what I’ve decided to experience, that’s when I understood that responsibility hurts, ‘cause if there’s something I’m sure of, is that guilt will always make you suffer.

Why is the world in quarantine? Forty days is the time a woman needs to recover after she gives birth; according to History, Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert in solitude and prayer; according to the catholic church, quarantine or Easter is considered a time of regret and reflection; therefore, 40 days is the symbolic time that humanity needs to awake, change and transform itself; but when you put the term of time inside your mind, it’s first reaction is to reject the idea as something possible, ‘cause a mind away from unity takes refuge in the control that’s indispensable and essential for it; this means that if something can get the mind out of its comfort zone, it’s the space that exists among it and the nonexistence, this process is called time

“That love be the one that makes you see, and faith be what gives you certainty that everything’s fine.”

Jesus of Nazaret.

When you hear the word “quarantine” prevent your mind from sending you the idea of confinement ‘cause when you become the thoughts your mind tells you constantly, everything turns overwhelming, stressful and worrying; have in mind that among the functions of the mind is to interpret, so if you interpret “isolation” as detention its because your ego who’s at the service of your mind, is scared of the idea of you being only with yourself, ‘cause it has make you believe that your own company is not enough if you’re not next to someone, ‘cause inside its function of dependency is to project outside from you, its faults, insecurities and pain; therefore, you’ll understand that the fact of being alone scares and confronts it ‘cause it doesn’t know how to face life without someone on which it can reflect its traumas, so from now on it’s your turn to make your ego liable instead of letting it victimize you. 

This quarantine has an important message ‘cause it’s the exact amount of time you’ll have to fix the situation with your couple due to the fact that both of you got used to avoiding your crisis with the excuse of a lack of time; therefore, life’s giving you the opportunity to reflect if it’s healthier to stay apart than stay together; with your family you’ll know that everything that confronts you about them, it’s because you are like them ‘cause your family is the representation of your shadow and only your clan is the one who can teach you the beliefs and programs you have in relation to life and maybe is that what’s taking you to the domestic violence in which you have lived for many years and today y’all have the opportunity to fix it and this chance will be the only one to reconcile with everything you don’t accept about yourself.  

We’re in a 2020 year if you sum it all, the result will be 40, that’s the time you need to take shelter at home; I want you to understand that the damage we’ve all done to the earth has been huge to the point that the earth has decided to stop ‘cause we haven’t even respected the air we breathe; this will be 40 days of learning and comprehension ‘cause the planet that shelters us needs to create an order and with us contaminating the environment physically and mentally, it’s impossible for it doing so; none of what we’re living is a coincidence, we are days away from entering Easter season and if Jesus lived  40 days of exclusion that took him to his  maximum encounter with his divinity, now it’s our turn to do the same, not for Jesus, not for God, but for you and all of us. 

I don’t know if you believe in Jesus, God, the Universe or the energy; whathever you believe is perfect even if you don’t believe in anything at all; I just ask you that if you’re going to connect with any divinity don’t become a fanatic ‘cause God doesn’t need admirers, s/he needs representatives who help him/her to create a healthy, conscious and prosperous world, so stop putting attention to the surface ‘cause if life’s giving you the opportunity to make consciousness in order to reconnect with your life’s true purpose, then dispose yourself to do it; remember that when we are willing to change,  authomatically life presents us our beliefs about sadness, hurtings and lackings in order to get free from them, but if you choose to worry and complain about this experience, I can assure you that this 40 days will be endless for your mind, ‘cause a mind trapped in its programs, won’t ever be free no matter its place in the world. 

You can do it, Shary ChavLó