One of the most powerful elements human beings have is the mind; thanks to its presence we coexist on different spaces we name past or future; on one side, the mind sticks to the past because there’s where memory is and on the other hand, it’s conditioned to the future to ensure that it will continue existing.  

The mind is very complex to understand because all the encodings our unconscious has are living in it, this represents we’re conditioned to its loyalties and it’s the mind who guides us to perceive the world..  

Our mind always experience life according to its two polarities to determine if what’s living is positive or negative because everything in the Universe has a dual weight to achieve balance; that choice of thoughts is called awareness.

Have present that everything you’re living, the couple with whom you are, the job you work at, the house and the car you have etc., everything was previously elaborated by your mind but most of the time we’re not conscious about our thoughts, and in the prefection of nature everything you have mentally decreed, you’ll inevitably take it to the world of action or to your reality.

If since childhood you heard your parents say how difficult life was and only the people who was lucky could succeed; what kind of destiny you think your mind has for you? If your parents encouraged you to do whatever you wanted as long as you were happy, then, have you been able to define your happiness?  

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s dream.”

Steve Jobs

The realization of our dreams will be based in two purposes: the unconscious yearnings and the conscious yearnings; normally our unconscious dreams are related to what we didn’t have as children, this means, that if we were lead to believe that we were poor, our dream will consist on being rich; if we didn’t have attention from our parents, our dream will be the look for recognition; if we were abandoned, our dream will be having a couple and make a family of whom we can take care and never abandon, all of this as a result of our unconscious attachements.

Our conscious dreams are yearnings where we can share our purposes, this means, that when we want something it’s important to be inclusive with what we want; for example, if your dream is to have a luxury car ask yourself, why do you want it? If you just want it to show it off to others, then your dream is on the service of your ego who says that only by having, the others will love you, but if you want the car for your comfort and for the benefit of others when it’s necessary then, you are taking your dream to a conscious scenario; if you want to be a great artist to be admired by others and you want them to be like you, that’s not a conscious dream but the desire of your wounded ego; but if you want to do art in order to connect people with it, then you’re taking your yearning to a shared vocation; if your dream is helping others through any given therapy tool because you see others anchored to their suffering, I’m afraid to tell you that beyond helping them you’ll condition them to that disease because helping others believing that you are completely healed, positions you in your arrogant ego; when you really want to help others, it’s because you consciously observe that people will help you to heal through their thoughts, feelings and actions, because their internal lackings are related to yours because as the healer you are, you know that everything is connected.

When I started my career as a life coach, my yeraning was and still is, giving others jobs  through the awakening and elevation of consciousness; my idea has always been reaching people to talk about our human challenges we all have to face, when I do it I’m not the only one growing, I feel that the others are growing as well because I faithfully believe that growing is much better when we do it together.

Decide to go for my dreams represented many things for me, so I left my job and everything I believed was assured, because I realized that if there was something I didn’t want to do with my life was buying my time of living with a monthly salary; in that process I sold my car and some belongings to keep paying my expenses and you know something? I have realized that accomplish a dream is not that hard because everything happens according to what we’re  sowing, the difficulty is believing that’s going to happen.

Our conscious dreams have love in them and remember that one of the best attributes of  love is being patient; therefore, our dreams are worthy; nonetheless, our desperate ego starts filling those empty spaces with expectations and I believe these are predictive failures hold by our mind that constantly says how should our dreams must be and at what time they should happen and when we leave all that power to the mind, those dreams remain on the illusion of a whim.

I love that you have dreams because if human beings didn’t have them, we wouldn’t have any purposes; thus, if you yearn something, put all your love on it and make an action plan that allows you to do it, have in mind that the strongest “collective karma” is the belief of not having time that involves our lack of time to listen and ask ourselves what’s what we want?, give yourself the time to discover what you yearn for, what you want, what you like and try it, without believing that you don’t have enough age, time or capacity because that will talk about the power you’re giving to your merit.

You, like the Universe, can create; this means that you can obtain everything you have dreamed of, because remember our mind materializes everything we sow in it, and if you wake up every day complaning about everything, that’ll be your dream turn into a nightmare. Turn your dreams into goals and remember that only your yearnings are personalized because they have your name printed on them; the difference with those who achieve their dreams doesn’t lie on their lucky but on the trust they put on what they want and the self-believe they have about themselves to achieve everything that’s in their mind.

Keep going, Shary ChavLó