One the most alarming things for me is the lack of empathy from which we are facing the situations happening in the world because I believe that if there’s not empathy, hardly there will be conscious acts and without consciousness the evolution of the earth won’t ever exist.

The collective system has prepared us for a competitive world and in order to be adapted to that competition we need to be better than everyone, get the best grades at school, beat everyone, be recognized as the most popular, be the best student of class, be the most handsome guy with the most beautiful girl.

Those kind of thoughts take us completely away from empathy because for the system that forms us, it’s most important that you buy the lies related to the stereotypes that will allow you to reach happiness, and you in order to be faithful to that system that’s making you reject yourself, you’ll keep believing that thanks to the anti wrinkle creams you’ll stop getting older; you’ll keep listening that thanks to the dietary products you won’t gain weight; you’ll keep hipnotized that only on february 14th you must celebrate love with chocolates, flowers, and teddy bears because the system doesn’t care to have empathy for you, because before asking you how do you feel, it imposes you how you must feel; therefore, the more dissociated you are from yourself, the better consumer you become…

What’s to be empathic? We have been lead to believe that empathy means putting oneself in someone else’s shoes and understanding that person from the same place s/he is experiencing; empathy can’t be positioned on the story of anyone because each individual experiences emotionally, physically and spiritually a situation on their own way; the empathy is about understanding that the other is experiencing a possible sensation of rejectment, humiliation, control, abandonment or injustice; remember that all of us live a situation in a different way and we put a wound that helps us to define reality.   

“Empathy is the greatest virtue, from it, all the virtues flow.”

Eric Zorn .

One of the things that confront me the most is watching people throwing garbage on the street because I believe it’s disrespectful towards the mother nature, towards the others and towards the people who have to clean the mess they leave; nevertheless, looking at myself, I’m still consuming certain products wrapped in plastic, and that doesn’t help the evolution of the environment either; empathy doesn’t require to have an explanation for the actions of others because there will always be attitudes that are going to overcome our logic and by not understanding them with rationality, we’ll choose to judge the other as the “bad one” and that’ll position us on the polarity that only us are “the good people” and only us are the ones who can make them free through our forgiveness, as long as they deserve it; when in reality this means that everything we live is the manifestation of the linear actions we all commit; with the purpose, of learning a lesson through “being- empathic”.

How can we be empathic with a rapist or a murderer? Some people have told me that they hope to see them suffer as a payment to those they made suffer; nevertheless, leaving them on the suffering will be condemn them to the same state they couldn’t go out from; because they came to experience an accumulation of pain that eliminated their empathic nature; wishing them the same suffering is taking us to the same point of view they used to kill or rape, which is based on the sociopathy they felt when they watched others suffering.

Possibly for you is not the same because: How’s it going to be possible to not wish bad things to someone who has done so much harm in the world? A one single swallow doesn’t make the spring, this means that only one person can’t build the hole society, and if we are manifesting murders, rapes and injustices on the hands of one person it’s because he/she symbolizes the reflection of a society that doesn’t vibrate from the  consciousness of unity.

My concern is that the current generations are learning how to relate with others through smart phones, that’s preventing them to connect with society from consiousness; I’m worry that school systems don’t have new alternatives that involve boys and girls to get along because they are still believing that’s right for boys to play with cars and girls with dolls; I’m worried about that society is still creating the same archetypes that reflect the collective hate and fear to see if we wake up and start acting with the consciousness of integrating everyone; I’m worried about the religious systems that keep inviting their believers to commune with the body of guilt so when they get out of church, these people feel with the right of condemning others for their sins.

I want you to know that there are situations in the world that will overcome any explanation and we won’t be able to understand why they happened, sometimes things have no answer at all, but what really corresponds us, is to choose if we attach or get free of the things that are out of our control; remember that punishing the others leaves us on the same mental cage of the victim who’s waiting for the arrival of its inseparable aggressor so it can be him/her who teach us through tragedy how to love ourselves and accept the others.

Have in mind that empathy helps us to vibrate in unity; it’s not about appreciating, loving or understanding the people who are confronting us, it’s about accepting that person is experiencing something you have felt before; the difference between you and her/him, is that you have had the awareness to overcome the pain from that situation but there are others that haven’t known how to deal with it for fear of feeling something unknown.  

I want you to know that when we start resonating from equality, we’ll start looking the others with the same look we want to be seen and considered; to vibrate on equality doesn’t refer to the gender, because in the same way women want to be free, it also correspond to us women to free men from the weight we have given to them; equality is the empathy of connecting with the others from freedom, something that has been taken from us in order to follow a system that’s pushing us away from ourselves and that’s the worst kind of sociopathy we can have.  

I love you, Shary ChavLó ∞