For some people, since we grow up we’ve been told about a man completely unknown someone we must pray to be forgiven, loved, listened and helped; a man we’ve never seen and is only known under the name of God, someone who’s perceived judicious because he punishes us and sometimes stops loving us because of our actions, “and thanks to one of his ribs women came to the world.”

World has evolved, nevertheless, there are beliefs that have remained along the centuries, among them, the way God is perceived because we’ve have been lead to believe that God refers to a male totality, capable to create and destroy the universe, and that has conditioned us to believe that God father is separated from God mother, from there, started the concept, where woman is just a symbol alien to man and for that reason she’s unworthy, remember that we live in a society that makes us believe in a blind way, and that leads us to a failed validation of it’s existence and all of that, push us away from the true meaning of who god is.

I’m sure we’ve been deceived, because God by nature has a masculine and a female principle to create the planet earth; God used the femenine power to create and needed a masculine force to carry out that creation, none is better than the other because both of them coexist with each other and thanks to both was created the design called human being; in that way God created you.

Why we’ve been lead to believe that God is a man? God has been related to strenght; an almighty God and remember that inside our inseparable collective unconscious, men were the ones who went to wars to gain new territories and they needed an omnipresent stenght from “the father” to achieve that triumph.  

For monotheistic religions there has only been the existence of one true God accompanied by his only incarnated son called Jesus, another man who taught in the earth the words from the same creator who called: “our father”; message that originated the creation of one of the most popular and powerful prayers in the world, nonetheless, according to investigations, the original prayer is found on the Mount Olivet in Jerusalem, on its inscription invokes the mother and the father which refers to the power and the creative force, then who removed the mother and why?

We are all painted by the same brush,
and we are all children of the same creator.

Mahatma Gandhi.

Most of people perceived God as a man who’s in heaven but not on earth, someone who lives outside of us and who represents our father figure; this makes that in an unconscious way women look for an almighty, omnipresent and omniscient man; someone who can do everything, knows everything and who’s there for us and from that place of admiration we hope for that earthly God; unconsciously men like to feel needed because in that way they confirm their masculinity and that makes them trust in their personal power, because we’ve been told that power comes from the father creator of the universe and that he’s the one we all need to live; in addition, if you had an absent or abusive father the same way you are relating with your masculine power and of course with God, and this, wraps us in the same conditionings that push us away from reality.

What I want to tell you with this is that we’ve been lead to believe that power leans towards a masculine power, for this reason a lot of men stay away from their femenine energy and start carrying their own familiar and collective unconscious pushed by a new version of chauvinist system; I’m certain that in the moment we take away the judicious mask we have put on without objecting and that’s based in the separation of genders, we’ll stop believing that God is just a man with white beard who’s looking at us from another place, moreover, we’ll stay away from the fear of finding the real God and we’ll begin to understand that God refers to our own internal state, the one we’ve decided to neglect so we can find it outside of us.

The way you perceive God is perfect, but please don’t deprive him/her from both energies; remember that God is a presence that’s built by infinite love, the same you deny to yourself everyday, so from now on, invite yourself to stop looking for God in your relationships those which perhaps you blame because you weren’t loved the way you wanted and that makes you wonder about it’s existence. Remember that God comes from the relationship you decide to have with yourself and therefore you’ll have that same relationship with the whole world, ‘cause you’re deciding to build the experiences where you’re being the only creator.

God’s in you,
Shary ChavLó