Within the human conditioning there’s the notion of being a good person; nonetheless, in that perception of kindness we believe that when we’re not hurting or not killing someone, we’re fulfilling that condition; so in this way, we can qualify ourselves as good people while the others are the bad of our stories.

On one occasion I told you I didn’t understand certain beliefs of some religious systems; systems that have insisted for generations on the separation of kindness from evil; making their believers think that in order to reach the kingdom of heavens they have to connect with suffering, in the same way that Jesus Christ, the only son of God did; because if he suffered  for your cause, you have to do the same.

In that same thinking where kindness and evil don’t eat on the same table; we’ve been emotional repressed and this made us choose projections as a defense method and at some point we will be able to connect with unity; this means that in that process we’ll unconsciously judge, condemn, envy, criticize; of course, there’ll be those who’ll keep choosing those separation methods to remain loyal to the system that prevents them from waking up, also will choose to hit themselves in the chest believing that everything is their fault and in that way, the’ll connect again with their “kindness”.

That’s one of the things that confuses me the most about that system: this invitation to its believers to know God while they physically hurt themselves to dissolve their faults and in that regret, the’ll connect with the divinity. I believe that system gradually pushes the society away from the unity and makes us believe that God is an individual we get to know through need, regret, lack, dependency, so he can finally be merciful with all of us.

I want you to know that believing in God and knowing God isn’t the same thing; remember God lives in your consciousness and it’s translated as your internal state; and as long as you stay away from yourself, you’ll be far away from your divinity; you have to know that consciousness doesn’t reside in your mind, not in your emotions nor in your spirit; if your consciousness were in your mind you would only relate and identify with your thoughts, if your consciousness were in your emotions you would experience constant emotional ups and downs; if your consciousness were in your spirit, you wouldn’t live rooted to earth; we’re in consciousness when we achieve the connection of these three at the same space time and in that way, become witnesses of the impact each one of them has in our lives; when we get to that point, we achieve the connection and meeting with the true God.

“What you deny you submit,
what you accept transforms you.”

Carl G. Jung

Remember that human beings are here to experience two polarities, that’s why we constantly reflect those on everything; for thousands of years we have been vibrating in a consciousness of separation that’s based on looking for the guilty people in whom we can project our internal guilt; we keep insisting on finding whom can activate our worst wounds so we can forgive ourselves; we live in constant search of those who will make us hate, so we can connect again with love; we’re with those who connect us with suffering to learn how to detach more easily; the secret is that in order we can transcend all of this, we require to integrate everything submitting us and accepting it without any resistance, that’s called, an awake consciousness

It’s impossible for us to only vibrate on the polarity of light, we can’t either be all the time on the polarity of darkness because in the Universe there has to be a balance, this means that both energies need each other to coexist and they materialize through you.

Have in mind that we’ll always look to project the most hidden polarity because if we don’t do it, we’ll feel incomplete inside an energy that’s complete; but for that system that usually separates us; it’s easier to hipnotize you and make you believe that you’re the good of the story although in the background, submits you to live with your internal judgments.

On one side women have been divided between the virgin and “the whore”; nonetheless, in the look for the acceptance of our gender, we coexist in the virgin while the “whore” is repressed and we project it in other women through envy or resentment. Dear woman I want you to know that’s not bad to be a “whore”; that’s just a conditioning of the system to separate you from your sexuality; therefore, have in mind that both polarities exist in you, so dear: please accept yourself and experiment that “slut” you have inside and do it with a high consciousness and in a selective way.

On the other hand, men have been divided between the polarities of masculinity and feminity; that’s why they prefer to coexist inside their masculinity for the well-being and existence of their gender; your projection will be in the constant search of women even though you have someone next to you because unconsciously you are looking to connect with your female energy that lives repressed inside you or possibly you attract couples, bosses, or environments full of dominant women who are teaching you how to loose your masculine control; so dear: accept your feminity without labeling nor judging yourself as a “pussy” because your femenine energy will make you create wonderful things.

The purpose of projecting our polarities is to reach a balance of self-acceptance through a conscious integration; have present that’s not about trying to be good persons because in that forced attempt, you’ll keep criticizing, judging and hating; as long as you connect with the unity, you’ll know how to vibrate in plenitude and in the totality of who you are.

You’re part of the Universe, Shary ChavLó