Talking about souls is one of the matters that I’m more passionate about, soul keeps a very important record about what it has learned over many lifetimes.

Reincarnation is based on a belief which consists that the person’s soul adopts a material body many times after every death; nonetheless, it’s a matter that hasn’t been completely proved.  

Long time ago I talked you about death and I told you that according to quantum physics, within the law of “biocentrism” which holds that consciousness doesn’t die after the physical death, that’s just an illusion that lives in people’s mind because consciousness remains outside of the limitations of time and space and it’s capable of being anywhere.

Like I’ve told you before, for me consciousness connects us with life because it relates us directly with the existence; we have to remember that the soul chooses to come to earth because its function is to evolve in the most loving and compassionate way when in past lives refused to experience that way.

How does the soul know when to reincarnate? When the soul abandons its body it’s because its mission has finished and by consequence its learning finishes too; inside the soul’s memory is the information that has learned in past lives, could be a soul that learned from the side of hate, addiction, dependency, lack of self-love etc., that’s why it decides to reincarnate many times as possible to transcend those experiences in which it didn’t vibrate from the side of love.  

How long takes the soul to reincarnate? The conditionings of time only live in human’s mind and are fed by the ego; the soul will decide how much time it will take to return to the experience; that won’t take days or months because  the soul needs to understand and completely detach from the life it had; it will be 7 years after its death when it will decide if it will come back or not; in that way, the soul will start the plan it needs to transcend those learnings, that’s why, it’ll wait for the correct parents and for the souls with whom it has a pact; that process can take years but the soul doesn’t care, because its plan is timeless.

If the people who have died decide to reicarnate can I contact them again? One of the purposes of the soul is returning to an almighty (all-powerful), omnipresent (its everywhere) and omniscient (knows everything) states, that’s why if a soul decides to reincarnate uses those states to overcome the dimensional barriers among the material and the spiritual world.

How do I know if I’m a reincarnated person? One of my purposes in this planet is to learn how to play the piano; I believe that piano music is one of the most beautiful melodies and I have a great inspiration for Frederic Chopin, I can’t tell if I met him, I can only assure that some of my lives, piano music meant a lot to me and maybe I encountered with him at that same time; I’m certain that piano music brings me back memories from the past because listening to it touches my soul, how do I know this? Remember that one of the main reasons why the soul decides to return is to feel the experience that can’t be achieved without a body, that’s why when I listen to piano music I feel something that I haven’t felt previously and I’m pretty sure that I haven’t felt this only in my current life.

Have in mind that the soul has a memory and when we find something we like it’s because our soul already experienced it before that’s why we feel passionate about certain things and we don’t feel the same way about others.

Do souls have a pact? Every person we find in this planet has a specific karmic mission; we can say that in this life you’ve found very challenging teachers and somehow they left a debt with you; that generated between you and the other person a karmic or a consequent bond; this means that in your next life that person will find you and will do something for you to cover his/her failures; could be that s/he saves your life in an accident, make you a great favour, someone who helps you without any apparent reason, a very loyal and faithful partner etc., and when that person “pays off” his/her debt with you, your karmic pact will end and it won’t be necessary to find each other again in other lives because your mission has finally concluded.

Do soul mates exist? It’s not quite like that, because there’s no one like us, there only exist similar souls; neither is related to the man or woman of our dreams, the soul with whom we’ll resonate the best can come in any body but these souls not always find each other because the essence of the soul is to be free; therefore, both decide to experience with different earthly teachers to finally find each other and have the most evolved relationship as possible and for this to happen there can pass many lives; even if they find each other and decide to separate it’s because deep inside, they know they’re not prepared enough to stay together, so they prefer to accept freedom before creating a more destructive bond that keeps them away from their mission that’s to grow.

What’s the age of the soul? The soul doesn’t have an age; its time is determined according to the understanding of its lessons; let’s say that your soul were born before Christ and mine after; but your soul hasn’t understood that love is the source of everything and mine already has; although apparently my soul is “younger” this referes that my soul has stopped resisting to the evolution, that’s why I can possibly have a more evolved soul than you; this doesn’t mean that you won’t evolve, this means that you know the perfect time to do it and your soul has all the patience to experience as many times as possible until it understands from what is made of and the purpose of its creation.

I want you to know that we are a universe trying to experiment itself, but to achieve that we need to go to the deepest part of ourselves and to get to it, we all need to break with those condionings that impede us our growth and allow our soul, who has reincarnated a couple of times, be the one who teaches us the path  that knows by heart; because only your soul knows in itself the accumulated wisdom it has from the lives it has lived  and your soul will use all that knowledge to have an amazing journey, thus, can reach its maximum level of evolution that’s experiencing earth through unconditional love.

Shary ChavLó