Among the infinite questions the human being has regarding to its existence is that of knowing if s/he is alone in this planet, because inside of the many conditionings s/he has, believes that s/he’s separated from everything and thinks outside there’s only danger.

The topic of the angels and archangels involves a consciousness awakening; unfortunately there still are many judgments that need to be supported by the verification to give certainty or value to the existence; angels and archangels are an energy that’s made of the same energy as you; that’s infinite love.

When I talk about love, I don’t mean the love we’ve been lead to believe that comes from an ilusion in time and that’s only known thanks to the pressence of a third partie, love is a conscious state that’s not related to the sensation of butterflies in the stomach; nor comes from a “stroke of luck”; love is a state that’s within you and you give it in the way you want and to whoever you want, because love is a free attribute; I’ll put it like this: when it rains, look at the drop that falls into the puddle on the ground, you’ll see it forms an expansive wave, that’s how love acts in you; it is born in you and with your power you manage to expand it on the outside.

Love and compassion are the best
attributes the human being disposes of.

Archangel Chamuel.

Since I was a child I had questions regarding the human existence, years passed and my path took me to the best spiritual practice that was meeting again with the angelic energy and this allowed me to become a channel to guide people through the angels energy; I can tell you that working with them is the most wonderful, unique, incredible and rewarding experience.

Angels don’t have a body, ego, religion, gender, that’s why their mission is to focus on the service, independently what we decide to believe in; their energy is omnipresent and their guidance doesn’t depend of any evaluation or judgement because their job is to serve humanity in the most loving and compassionate way.

What’s the difference between angels and archangels? Angels have the mission to serve one person, every human being in the world has an angelic energy destinated to his/her personal service, helping the person with his/her self-discovery; while the archangels help in a general way and on specific cases, we can say your guardian angel and the archangel help each other to show you the best path and both are guided by the Universe, God, universal energy or unique consciousness.

How can I channel them? For the angels the most important is that you have the intention to contact them, remember that they don’t have an ego; therefore, they’ll never wait to be called by their names or to have an exchange with you to help you; before all, their service is to give, so if you need to be assisted by their energy, do it without letting your mind to interfere telling you: “that doesn’t exist”, “it has to be seen to be believed”, “you’re crazy” etc., because angels don’t contact with your ego but with your more loving side. For example, imagine you ask a friend for a favor and you condition the way s/he has to help you, do you think s/he will help you? That’s the job of the angels, to assist you as long as you allow them without any resistance.

Have in mind that one of the most important gifts you have is your fee will that’s why angels don’t intervene on it, what they do is to invite you to see the paths you have available; on one side, there is the most loving path, the one that will require from you patience, integration, detachment and learning; on the other path, you’ll find more attachments, challenges, worries, anguish and also learnings; if you realize both paths have something in common, both will take you to learn certain lessons, one path in the most healthy way and the other maybe on the most painful way, but that choice can only come from you; we can say that the angel’s function is to put you the map of the roads of your life, but its in you to choose which one to take; in the end, all of them will lead you to the same place, that’s your self-encounter.

Why can’t they be seen? The human being lives prisioner of his/her mind and its judgements don’t allow him/her to contact with other kind of dimensions, that’s why his/her physical eyes are not ready to see beyond the space time s/he is in; so remember that’s not about “to be seen to believed”, but about really believing that you are accompanied all the time and in that way you’ll see without needing your eyes.

Why if we all have angels, they allow tragic deaths? When the soul has decided to go, finds the final teacher that will help it to transcend; in that choice of path, angels respect the way the soul decides to disincarnate; this doesn’t mean they’re not there, they’re helping the soul to accomplish its mission without interfering in the decision of how it leaves; they’ll be in charge of fulfilling their mission that’s to attach the soul again to the universe.

Do the people who die turn into angels? There’s a huge believe that person who transcends to the spiritual world stays in the shape of an angel to take care of their beloved ones, it doesn’t work that way; people who exist in the material world had an ego and a body so they can’t adopt the shape of an angel because they don’t have that rank and it’s not their mission; what they can become and as long as the soul decides, is into a spiritual guide that’ll help you according with his/her earthly experience and will guide you to choose the most conscious paths because this spiritual guide knows perfectly which places are the best for you and also the ones that will take you to the mistake and by consequence to experience pain.

I want to tell you that angels and archangels always remind us how magical we are because we come from the energy that created everything, it’s very important you make contact with yourself because when you do it, you’re able to find the infinite love and wisdom you have in you, as well as your natural gifts, nonetheless, the system we live in is afraid of human awakening, because the further away you are from yourself the more you depend from it; nevertheless, when you allow yourself to detach from everything, you’ll discover that you have all the power to materialize and manifest your life through the universal, angelic and sacred energy that’ll help you to love yourself unconditionaly and will free you from the most limiting belief that’s not believing you are an indispensable source for any change and transformation in the world.

You are a light in the world,
The angels & Shary ChavLó