If you’ve ever noticed, I always talk about how important is the consciousness in a human’s life, simply because consciousness connects us with life.

For me, universal consciousness is the divine connection we all have, however the consciousness we normally experience comes from a created knowledge that’s influenced by our beliefs and that consciousness is always conditioned thanks to those patterns that become our worst limitations.

In this universe everything is consciousness because we’re connected with it, our consciousness is evolving as we generate experiences and in that way we are awakening to that unique consciousness; in that evolving consciousness doesn’t exist an awareness that’s better or worse, as I’ve mentioned a couple of times, as humans we live among polarities that refer to the good and wrong side of things and from there we determine our conscious focus; to connect with that universal consciousness we need to accept and gain consciousness on those polarities that live within us and when we understand how to integrate that dual consciousness in a wise way, then yes, we’ll live in unity.

What does this universal consciousness do? It’s a consciousness that knows things are the way they are without adding beliefs, projections and judgments on them because that only comes from one of our polarities, a place where our shadow normally is and not our integral being.

When I write I try to do it from that side of consciousness that’s connected with everything that exists, and if you ever had the chance to read me before, you’ve seen I always ask you to see everything from another side of consciousness, from a loving and compassionate place because the main source of that awareness is the love that creates everything, for that reason it’s important that everytime we make an act of consciousness we do it using our own connection unit. Just have in mind that’s not about just thinking from that unique consciousness but to act from it, because consciousness it must be experienced, not only thought, in that way what we think, say and do will live in harmony and from there, our best virtues will be born.

To take consciousness is change our irrational and limited
beliefs that impede us from achieveing that coherence
between our mind and our heart.

Enric Corbera.

Several things are happening in the world based on violence, suffering, hopelessness, tragedies etc., and these are the result of a disconnected humanity and sometimes all those things come from the hand of one man, do these people have consciousness? Yes they have, is just that they use it from another place, a place of consciousness that uses fear as a teacher influenced by one polarity and from there those people act, people that possibly live in such suffering that’s impossible for them to connect with love, of course, is not something to justify much less let the resignation embraces us, but what we can do is accept there are situations we cannot explain much less control and from there we can reconcile with everything our consciousness is experiencing so that we can learn how to live in unity with everything.

All the experiences we live, pleasant or unpleasant, we’ll always be choosing them in consciousness, the purpose of this, is that everytime we live a situation we understand that moment will take us to transcend the experience we choose, and if we don’t transcend it, life will put that situation over and over in our way so that we can finally wake up.

Remember this consciousness is within the same being that’s you, that awareness lives in each experience you’re deciding to live, all of them will take you to the most important awakening that’s the love that resides in you, so that you compassionately release what you are clinging to then you’ll remember that those situations are just moments in your life you had to live, and those situations are there with the intention of your evolution, thus, you’ll be able to reach your true essence that is to be one with everything that exists.

We are one,
Shary ChavLó