Intuition: A path to the truth 

One of my biggest fears as a child was failing the school year, whenever I started a school cycle I felt anguish just by thinking I may not approve it, ‘cause it was terrible for me to visualize myself stagnant in the same year while my whole generation grew and I stayed behind; I remember that in time of exams there were moments where I felt pretty sure I was going to approve and there were some others that I was sure I was going to fail; that feeling of certainty was something beyond my reason. 

I’ve always believed that everything we learn, the positive or negative in our childhood will be what will condition us in our adult life; that’s why I believe that the learning of separating from ourselves in order to go in search for the ultimate truth that doesn’t exist, is what enslaves us the most; and I dare to say, that this knowledge has been the most difficult lesson to remove from us ‘cause this teaching has submitted us to comparisons, sacrifice, struggle, attachment, violence and as long as we don’t leave what hurts us the most, we’ll silence our inner voice ‘cause we’re afraid to accept that self-love is the best option we’ll ever have.  

What’s intuition? In order to exist and come to the earth we need a body that represents the materialization of life, inside this body there’s a soul and what unites both is the spirit to whom we name God, universe, energy, unity, existence and for those three parts can communicate among each other, we use something called intuition, which doesn’t need the intervention of the reason, ‘cause it understands that things are the way they have to be and thanks to it, we find the guide to take assertive and loving decisions in our lives. 

“Intuition is the whisper of the soul.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti.

We’re used to look for answers about everything that doesn’t fit in our logic, we get obsessed with the “why” without even understanding “for what?”; we do this ‘cause we feel separated from the answers that only inhabit inside oneself; that separation comes from our dual mind that makes us believe that outside from us we can find everything that’ll make us happy.   

We all have intuition ‘cause none of us are separated from God, universe or the energy; but we have decided giving up to that intuitive contact in order to go in search of external existence; and as we silence our inner voice, it becomes more difficult to make conscious decisions, that’s why we doubt if we should leave relationships or situations that no longer benefit us, ‘cause when the reason wants to convince us that’s impossible to let go, it’s when we decide to stay in the same experience, until we pay attention to the answers that come from acceptance, detachment and self-love, knowing that intuition is the reminder that we’re one with everything.  

Maybe you’re in a relationship that’s not healthy and something within you says that’s  not going to end well, that voice tells you that the other won’t ever change for you ‘cause deep inside you know that the person who really has to change is yourself and your intuition is saying to you, that this change will imply to let go of the illusion in order to reconcile with the lie you’ve created around that union, but you prefer to silence your inner thruth and continue to be next to someone who’s taking everything away from you and who’s leaving you with nothing; you possibly find yourself in a complicated job situation ‘cause you’re in a place where you can’t stand neither the pros and the cons ‘cause both of them seem to you non-motivating, but your intuition tells you that there’s something better for you and invites you to ask yourself: what do I want? but before you find the answers, you prefer to shut up the truth and follow your beliefs that tell you that the only way to obtain things, is to sacrifice yourself in order to get them; or in other case, if you don’t find a job, on one hand, you believe that you don’t have enough luck, in addition to the global situation we’re experiencing which doesn’t seem hopeful, but your intuition says that everything is going to be all right, that you don’t have to be scared, you don’t have to suffer ‘cause it says there’s a better plan for you, but you’ve preferred not listening to it ‘cause you think that feeling despair before a crisis is the answer that’s going to hold you and will make you feel that you’re right. 

Intuition will always be loving, auspicious and integrative ‘cause its fuction is looking for the path with the most benefit and where full consiousness lies on; intuition is not based in judgement, this means that it doesn’t see the good and wrong of each situation, neither observes if the others are friends or enemies, simply when a experience is not nice, it helps us to set healthy bounderies in order to not hurt ourselves and guides us to stop blaming for the damage caused. 

We are all intuitive beings ‘cause when we decide to come to the earth we knew that we had an important mission to accomplish and the challenge was that by stepping the material existence we had to discover the purpose of being here and the easiest clue to get there will be using our connection with our spirit; I understand the fear existing in your mind to let go, to move forward, to forgive, to change but if you give yourself a moment to share with you, you’ll find everything you’ve been searching for, you’ll give answers to your doubts, calm to your fears, happiness to your saddness and comfort to your pain; ‘cause I can assure you that when you dispose yourself to listen clearly to your intuition, it will awaken you from the lies you have made yourself believe and that correspond to the fears of a system that thinks the solution is outside from you; so in that way, you’ll dedicate your life searching for the things that are far away from the truth.    

Trust in yourself, Shary ChavLó