I believe one of the most expected holidays for a child is Christmas Eve; I remember when I was a kid I loved to decorate with christmas ornaments and wrote letters to Santa Claus, I clearly imagined the reindeer above my roof while I wanted to surprise Santa putting the presents under the tree. 

My mother used to tell me I had to be well behaved, get good grades at school; on the contrary, she would dial the secret number she shared with Santa and would tell him not to bring me any toys; what happened on the following day, after Christmas Eve was that there weren’t the toys I wanted, that made me think my parents had a very long conversation with the man of the red suit and informed him about my bad behavior, of course I thought that I was a bad child ergo, I didn’t deserve what I asked.   

“The children are usually the repairers of the broken dreams of their parents.”

Shary ChavLó .

Our parents were the fundamental keys for our emotional, psychological and spiritual development, they guided us in the process of our self-knowledge and gave us the tools to love ourselves; they guided us in the construction of our empowerment through their beliefs, words and decrees and independently of all their limitations our love towards them has been so big that we have forgotten how to love ourselves as long as we follow their live’s model. 

The conditionings our family left us are the inheritance which we have to deal with everyday, have in mind that our lineage was in charge of making us believe that money is the root of all evil; beauty is in being slim; intellect and intelligence are for those who finish school and that material things can only be gathered when you work hard. 

In case we don’t fulfill the requirements the collective is demanding in order to be accepted, this means that we’re not worthy enough and from that perception we determine our level of merit. 

According to our primitive nature, human beings seek to belong to circles and being part of them make us feel loved and accepted, that’s why we form a family, find a group of friends and go in the search of a couple with whom we can form a new clan; this happens because the survival information doesn’t die, it’s just transformed and we replicate it.

If you come from a family who lived worried for the economic situation, this created a merit awareness conditioned to sacrifice; if you had a family that suffered multiple diseases, a memory of merit was built where it isn’t allowed to be healthy; if you come from a family of multiple divorces, a memory was created where none of its members deserves to have a stable relationship. 

Where does your lack of merit comes from? The origin comes from the constant comparison you feel everyday because you have been lead to think, feel and believe that you have to be perfect, because your mind that’s positioned in your ego, tells you that you compared to the others are not worthy enough, therefore, you don’t fit and don’t deserve anything better. 

When we decide to become aware of our beliefs in relation to what we deserve, everything in our life transforms; start to think in your relationships and ask yourself, do I deserve to be loved? Observe the job where you are and ask yourself, do I deserve a work like this? Listen to your internal dialogues and then again ask yourself, do I deserve to talk to myself with such indifference? 

It’s important that you become aware that merit is a vibrational wave that’s connected with the power of receiving driven by the will of giving; this means that we can’t have what we’re not ready to offer, simply because it’s impossible to ask for love when we don’t want to vibrate on it; likewise, it’s complicated to feel worthy in a job that causes us pleasure because until now, we keep thinking with the consciousness of sacrifice; connecting with merit turns into a challenge when we don’t feel worthy of abundance because we think that we have to look for it, when in reality abundance is an attribute we all deserve. 

As long as we keep comparing and feeding lacking thoughts, it’ll be complicated to connect with the power of merit, remember that since we were children we have been conditioned to believe that nothing was possible and that everything in life was complicated, this consciousness we adopted drove us away from our personal power when the only way of feeling merit, is empowering ourselves to believe in it.

I want to tell you that the merit you give to yourself, is the same you allow to enter into your life, so if you’re in destructive relationships it’s because deep inside you, you think you deserve to be in challenging and hurtful relationships, if you’re in jobs where you dedicate your life and you are not growing anymore in it, it’s because your original belief is that you don’t deserve to work in places out of your comfort zone. 

Remember that the merit isn’t in the conditionings the exterior is telling you, neither is a trip you have to do on a complicated road; merit is not determined by the excess of burdens, ‘cause life’s not about the more you do, the more you deserve; the merit is a resonance you choose according to the level of consciousness you have and if you believe that for being “better” or giving “more” you deserve much more than the others, it means that you’re positioning yourself from a lacking ego who’s afraid of not being recognized and it’s terrified that everything comes to an end; likewise, if you believe that you’re “worst” than the others and you think you deserve less, it’s because your merit is conditioned by the lack of love you feel towards yourself. 

Until you start believing that you’re a very valuable person and stop putting your personal power in the opinions of others, you would achieve to feel worthy because you’ll realize that before all that, you exist; remember that your greatness is revealed when you allow to be yourself without being afraid of being criticized or excluded; you deserve to have everything you dream, because if you are here is to experience a joyful and abundant life; have in mind that everything you give, by law of attraction will be returned to you in a multiplied way because merit is something that accompanies you from the moment you opened your eyes for the first time and decided to be on this planet.  

You deserve the best, Shary ChavLó