I believe one of the seasons human beings like the most is Christmas and everything this symbolizes, because represents to be surrounded by the people we love; this season it’s about saying goodbye to another year of work, losses, achievements, and welcoming a new start for everyone of us.
Christmas comes from the etymological word Cristes-messe which means Christ, the Christianity celebrates the birth of Jesus and despite that’s the reason why most of the people celebrate that day, there’s not a historical record about the birth of Jesus in that time. Christmas was known 3 centuries after Jesus death when the Roman empire allowed the entrance of Christianity and started the celebration from the winter solstice which has the longest night of the year and the days are shorter; the birth of the sun after the longest night represented the symbolic victory of the sun over the darkness, for this, the emperor “Constantine the Great” was the one who established december 25th as the date for the celebration of the solar party in Rome, taking advantage of the fusion of the solar cult with the Christian cult, and he called it Christmas. After that, a lot of cultures started to adopt this celebration and took it to different places in the world, thus has remained in history.
Over the years, Christmas celebration has been modified according to the beliefs of every country and religion, nonetheless, the true meaning of Christmas goes far beyond that origin.
Like you know, I’m very insitent in talking about the Universe, God or energy, and the important connection we have towards he/she, and when we are connected to it, everything in our environment transforms. Remember that one of the purposes to be in contact with the Universe is doing it with a loving awareness so in that way, those kind of experiences materializes in our life.
If you have realized when we’re in Christmas time our resonance rises because we start vibrating in empathy with love and peace towards us and of course, with everything that exists, because in that moment we connect with this universal consciousness and we feel one with everything and in unity with everyone.
Christmas doesn’t consist on being all together
but on comprehending we are one.
Enric Corbera.
I want you to know Christmas is not about the commercialization of a date, not about the gifts, Santa Claus, consumerism or dinner’s preparations, but about the intention we put in all we do, because we do it from a place of compassion with the capacity of integrating all of us without conditions of gender, culture or race.
Remember Christmas is not the celebration of one of the millions of God’s children, Christmas is you and we all are, because all of us in this existence we were born to contribute wonderful things in this earth, with the purpose of continue learning in this wonderful experience called life; and thanks to this season our resonance can guide that Universe to rise it’s vibration to it’s authentic state that’s love.
Couple of weeks ago I talked you about gratitude and told you that being in resonance with it is having the master key of our own abundance, remember that be thankful is understanding that you need nothing and lack nothing, for that reason Christmas takes us to a state of union, happiness and gratitude, those spaces that only live within you and when we get to be in that abundant expansion, then, we wish the same for the others.
I want you to know I enormously thank you because thanks to that vibration you have in this moment and thanks to those wishes that come from your compassionate being we help the universe we all share to transform into a bright place because we remind it’s true attributes, the same ones you and me are made of, which are: peace, harmony, happiness, joy, faith, love, hope, gratitude, and greatness.
I hope that Christmas who gathers us and makes us one becomes a true habit so we can adopt it for all the year and not just for a season, but instead vibrate in that resonance everyday, thus we can finish with that indifference we feel for each other, so with that compassion and respect you feel for yourself and your beloved ones you can be able to feel the same positive emotions for the whole world, thus we can achieve this earth become a better place.
Merry Christmas 2017
Shary ChavLó ∞
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