Our life is mainly created by our unconscious because since we are in our mother’s belly our development already contained an information, the same that impacts on our life and of course, on our decisions.

What is a decision? Is to determine a situation that I live and will take me to an overwhelming change to experiment a new process in my life.

When we make decisions our beliefs are involved in the process, because like I’ve told you before, we’re so conditioned in relation to the others that our power of decision is tarnished by the others opinion because we feel submited to their judgements and that, fills us with insecurity and that makes us decide to stay in the same place.

“Everyday is a decision and our
decisions point out our fate.”

Russell M. Nelson.

I want to tell you that your life is surrounded of decisions; because waking up every day, go to work, love, forgive, hate, judge, criticize, aggression, and live, are decisions that will mark the course of your life, the question is: from which place am I deciding? Because every decision you take consciously or unconsciously will attract all the experiences in your life.

Our decisions will be always affected by our level of consciousness, the same that lives oriented by the perceptions I choose to give to every situation in my life; part of our perceptions are out of the truth because human beings prefer to marry with the idealizations instead of accepting the reality the way it is.

Long time ago I talked you about emotions and told you that one of the missions we came to experience as humans is to understand our emotional states; nevertheless, one of our beliefs is that feeling emotions is wrong and that causes our feeling-reflection to be obstructed by our feeling-reaction and from there, we take the impulse to decide; but our emotions are precisely whom can guide us in making the right decisions, because when I let myself feel a decision and I recognize that the step I’m taking is giving me peace and security then I’m choosing the best decision, and those states, can only come from your self-love.  

One of the most challenging jobs we have is take responsability over the consequences of the decisions I’m making and this challenges us because we’re used to put guilt and responsability in the same bottle and both are completely different visions, because guilt weakens us and responsability empowers us; Why does this happen? Because guilt leaves us in the role of the victim of our own consequences and responsability turns us into the protagonists of our own stories and this allows us to observe the phenomenon from a more aware position where we can identify ourselves as the cause not as the circumstance.

What I want to tell you with all of this is that every decision you take will be an experience of learning, so don’t look what you’re living today as an endless punishment, because if you’re experiencing this, it’s because there’s a message you haven’t seen yet and I can assure you that all of this is helping you to grow and evolve; possibly you haven’t chosen a lovely path, nonetheless, by the time you decide to reconcile with yourself and with everything that was and still is, you will see and accept the true meaning this has left you, and that way you’ll keep moving forward.

Stop labeling your decisions as good or wrong because the only thing you’re doing is conditioning yourself through your mistakes and that’ll make you to live them over and over again until you recognize them and finally transcend them; if the enemy living in your mind tells you: “if you would have done it different none of this would be happening”, please don’t listen to him/her, much less regret because unconsciously you’ll look for a self-punishment and that’s a decision far away from love. I can assure you if you were in the same space-time you would have done it the same way because the decision you took, you made it with the level of consciousness you had at the moment, so stop judging yourself because the only thing you’re doing is stalling your self-acceptance and understanding process.

Remember that every decision you take will leave a print in your life and that will impact you from the moment you wake up until your day has finished; so beyond tormenting yourself with the idea of: “why am I still here when I want to be there”, it’s better if you ask what am I doing to reach the place where I want to be? In that same way, never suggest yourself believing that you’re doing something wrong because you’re not appreciating the path you’ve traveled with effort, so recognize yourself and choose to keep moving on.

Allow yourself to be guided from your heart, the one that tells you how feels the things you’re decreeing, because your heart gives you the opportunity to communicate with the person you rarely listen, that person is yourself; but if you decide to have a converstation with the dialogs in your mind then your decisions will be taken with the same fears that have followed you for years, the ones that made you choose from the side of arrogance, complaint, selfishness, pride, doubt and resentment and the consequences will result far away from what you’ve expected.

Live your life without any expectation because that will take you again to the ilusion held by your perception, choose to experience life the way you want without any judgement nor beliefs based on lacking; remember you’re the responsible of your dreams, yearnings and successes, therefore, decide to go for them because what’s for you nobody can take it away from your hands unless you choose that, have in mind that life’s never going to be against you so don’t decide to be against it; remember you came to experience freedom, therefore, don’t imprision it with your doubts nor punish it for fear of making bad decisions, because from there you’re already choosing; remember in you exists an infinite wisdom so experience it with consciousness and with the certainty that in there, resides your greatest power of decision.

Choose with love,
Shary ChavLó