We all have the dream installed in our unconscious of growing up and eventually have a family, ‘cause we’ve been taught that this is the law of life; nonetheless, that new core, will be directly related to the family we are already part of, ‘cause all those beliefs that have formed the clan you come from, will be the same that condition the next generation that comes after you.

Everyone of us belong to a genealogy that’s built with beliefs, and in the sense of belonging that our ancestors had, they chose not to believe in love as a personal state but instead, in a conditioning state they called love that took them to believe that feeling in love was the same as being unfaithful, violent and aggressive; the same way, they believed that abundance was obtained through sacrifice and chose to believe more in their poverty than in the possibility of their own wealth; every belief stayed permanently in their minds and through them, they gave enough reasons to your genalogy to exist.

The most important inheritance was given by the thoughts of our parents; this means that if we had a father or a mother who chose to abandon the family core; our life will be backed by the same idea, until we get to integrate the abandonment as a belief and not as a determinant experience; the same happens with violent parents, the way we’ll choose that growth will be through the internal aggression that we’ll project in an external agression; the same way if we had parents that left the money to luck, we’ll see abundance as a lacking, thinking that there’s never enough.

Of the 100% of the therapies I’ve been able to give, 99.9% of the people have a repressed conflict with their mother or father ‘cause it’s through their paternal conflicts, the way in which the consultants stay united to them; this occurs because instictively we seek to survive through the belonging that pushes us away from freedom, ‘cause our thoughts related to our parents are supported in the collective family mind that’s not willing to let you go without you repeat the ancestral stories first.

Many times our genealogy didn’t question its beliefs ‘cause they created them by instinct but without consciousness; this means that according to their experience they chose to protect themselves from what they hurt the most, but in that repression, they didn’t realize the irreparable damage they did to their descendants; maybe they attracted toxic couples that you keep manifesting, possibly they lost all their fortune and you, in some way, are creating situations of loss; maybe, your clan decided to create an illness in order to form a loyalty chain and you, are more sick than healthy.

A few weeks ago I experienced a situation with a neighbour who claimed a man the bad behaviour his kids had towards her daughter; it’s worth to mention, that her vocabulary and her way of action weren’t connected to the unity nor to the awareness about understanding why she had attracted this experience; the story about this woman was that in her need of not being alone she has decided to be with many men where the relationships have ended in violence; her current couple is someone who humiliates, condition, yells and hits her; before we judge this woman as stupid, unconcious or victim, I think we must ask this in order to understand the causes of her conflicts: Did this woman claimed that father the abuse of his children towards her daughter or she claimed her own father the wound he left in her when he was violent? Maybe, she was upset that her daughter was abused or she was angry ‘cause she’s still trapped in the wounds she hasn’t been able to reconcile with, ‘cause she’s afraid of leaving the loyalty of aggression she has towards her father? ‘Cause her daughter and her, are conditioned to attract the same kind of stories that made them remember the places where they don’t love themselves.

I treated a case of a 42 year old woman who had overweight and wanted to treat her problem in therapy through bio-decoding; in her mind she believed that she had to loose 28 kilos in order to see and feel better; before you judge her as poor woman or the victim of a bad mother, let’s understand that her 28 kilos, were the result of remorse, guilt and unconscious burdens she believes needs to carry to honour her family system; if we take away those 28 years or kilos to her current age, it gives us 14 years, which means that her overweight has worked as the blanket to cover the wound of abandonment her mother left in her at a short age; nonetheless, she prefers to put  on herself the excess of weight before letting go the painful memory that left her mother in her, a woman who hurt her the most; but her loyalty weighs more than her health.

Now that we’re adults, it’s easier for us to live in our duality ‘cause through it we interpret life; that’s why we feel with that need of blaming our parents for not attending us, for not giving us love, for not recognizing us, for not valuing us enough; therefore, we believe they owe us and in turn, we think we owe them and in order to stay together to those beliefs that separate us, we create an emotional debt that’ll never be paid.

The family loyalties aren’t good nor bad; they simply are resonances that make us vibrate as equals to a clan; our ancestors are alive through our thoughts, so give yourself the opportunity to reflect about the beliefs you have related to love, happiness, success and abundance ‘cause what you think, it’s a fact that your genealogy thought the same way; if you’ve realized that the lack of couples, lack of work or lack of money it’s the same lacking your family tree had ‘cause they thought that nothing was possible; then, give thanks to your ancestral memories ‘cause you’ve chose them to heal yourself and also heal them; so from now on, choose to be the one who repairs his/her genealogy from love and not the one who repeats it from the same fear your clan chose, by thinking that misfortune will be their only fate.  

You’re authentic, Shary ChavLó