As social beings we need to feel we belong into our social and family circles, because it terrorizes us to think, feel or see ourselves out of the environment and therefore rejected from it.

The rejection wound can detonate since the intrauterine life, it can be caused because one of the parents wanted to have a son and had a daughter instead, making the child’s program understand that she has to live with a deep rejection wound and in most of the cases it’s possible that her body lives with an extreme thinness because feels so rejected that the less space she occupies the better; because the existance for her doesn’t even worth it.

When I was in my mother’s belly she never went to the doctor during the 9 months of gestation and the umbilical cord got entangled in my feet, so I was born with difficulties on them; when doctors told my father about my condition, he didn’t want to see me because he believed I would die, so I can say my deepest wound is rejection and even thought my body isn’t that thin, loosing weight it’s not difficult for me because my wound is present.

I’ve always been a very reserved woman and sometimes it’s complicated to me talking to other people, and when that happens it’s because my wound is working over me, so I decide to put the fugitive mask and prefer to reject people before they reject me.

We reproach to others
what we do to ourselves.

Lise Bourbeau.

When I talked you about the wounds, I told you we all have one and we put masks on them so people can’t notice because we are so afraid to show ourselves as we are and be judged.

Everyone at some point have felt rejected because like I said, we have the neccesity to integrate ourselves to a social and family world, and we’ll do everything to be part of it.

The rejection wound, is just a mark that’s there, nevertheless, is not a trace that persecutes or don’t let us live, every wound has an specific function, that is you are capable to love yourself unconditionally, thus, you can accept and transform without any fear or ties.

If you identify with that wound, please don’t deny it, hug it because is part of who you are, and until today, has worked to protect yourself but try not to give it any power that commands your life because remember, you operate over her and not her over you.

I want you to understand that wounds never leave, you just need to see them from another place that doesn’t represent a state of judgement, anger or resentment but instead a place of love and compassion, thus, try to identify each one and know exactly the moment they’re attacking your life.

If you recognize this wound on you, don’t reject it, just accept and love it, from today, make that promise to tell yourself: “My presence in this world is essential, because without me, the world wouldn’t have the same function nor the same balance, I value my presence and recognize my magnificent being I know with certainty there are people who honor and connect with my wonderful and infinite light, I love my existence and I’m grateful to live.”

I recognize you,
Shary ChavLó